Best Joomla Extensions for an Online Store?
Hi everyone, I’m currently building an online jewelry store using Joomla, and I’m looking for recommendations for the best extensions to enhance the site. Specifically, I’m interested in tools for: Better product showcasing (image zoom, 360° vi... -
Music Collection Joomla 5 support
TaskI would like to ask if you could tell me when you will release a version of Music Collection that will support Joomla 5? Thanks... -
Song Tags stoped working
IssueHi, Tag system at song level stopped working I just noticed.. At first glance it seems to be working, tags are visible at song level, and get saved in MC tags system.. But as I save the song, and go on working at other artists, at return to the ... -
a feature needed in music collection player
Taskis there a possibility to have a dj function in music collection? like I dont want the music to end , it should go from song to song smoothly,, even as extra customization if possible ?... -
Get html code working in second artist rewiew
IssueHi All, Hopefully someone here reads this with some coding experience... (fingers crossed) I am not a programmer but trying stuff out by copying and reading in the php files, but came a long way I am working on a second review box in my MusC... -
Refund Me again, and now for real!!!
TaskSo, today again a mail that my subscription has ended, okay that is fine by me, its not working anyway for years sadly!!! But as I paid for a working version way back in time, and when that not is delivered in 2022, and until now nothing changed!! ... -
Problem with icons in search module
Hi, I have a problem with Search Module. I cannot see the icon search as I attached. Anyone can help me? Thank you... -
Joomla 4
Issuewhen will be ready joomla music collection for joomla 4? Will there be new features?... -
How do I place multiple Songs modules on the same page?
TaskGood afternoon! Is it possible to display several different Songs modules on the same page via loadposition? Currently, when three modules are output, only one is working.... -
Search module does not work with php7.3
IssueI bought Music Collection from you and it works great on php 7.1. But on php 7.3 the "Search" module stops working, and the page with this module simply does not load. When the module is turned off, the rest of the component works normally. Can we do... -
Comments show up at wrong place
BugGerminal, Just started to test my site with comments for MC to see if I like it enough to get it on my site. But I found a bug with it... I have made a comment at a playlist on my testsite. the comment shows up fine at the playlist.but I notic... -
Bug with search module
BugHi, I have a problem with search module. When I activate the module, the site doesn't work anymore and gives me this error: Error: Too few arguments to function MusColHelper::searchalbums_form_content(), 1 passed in /web/htdocs/www.musicteam.bi... -
Play button does not work.
Just installed the extension and clicked the play button to play a song but music does not play. Why, isn't there a default player. Do not want to install JW player that charges you.... -
version 3.0.8
Germinal Camps wrote: Hello, We have a first version compatible with PHP 8, that you can test if you like. The version is 3.0.8 and it's available on the Account downloads area. Germinal Camps wrote: If you should run into any issues with... -
Size search bars
Hello how to reduce the size of Search bars or so as not to leave the page... -
Change the search bar
Hello: Can you help me make the search bar look like the template?... -
So when is my acount reactivation going to happen?
IssueSo now were on the last day of my subscription for MC? will this one be reactivated as PHP 8 / J4 compatible version is released, or straight away? Old Topic I still have NO clue what is going to happen, after you promise to me, instead of ... -
PHP8 and Music Collection
I have just recently bought the new version of music collection to make it work with php8. Unfortunatelly I get only errors. I have just bought it because of this. My errors: Non-static method MusColGraphics::renderThumb() cannot be called static... -
Error after installing Music Collection 3.0.8 on php 8 server ; joomla 3.10.11
BugLike several other users, I bought Music Collection Component last year and had a happy experience with 3.0.7 version on php 7.4 server, with joomla 3 site. Due to end of life of php7.4, I had to upgrade to php8. So I just bought Music Collection 3... -
=discogs shortname
I don't really know what Discogs is but I assume its to populate the component with artists and albums, the plugin asks for a shortname bur I have no idea where to find it. it doesnt appear in their support search https://support.discogs.com/hc... -
Music Collection J4
BugHi Germinal & Team Been a while since I used Music Collection but looking to return to the Joomla Fold, Can yu give some update as to when Music Collection will be released for J4?... -
Plan upgrade
Hi germinal. Long time since we talked. I have a question. I have a Joomla 3 plan. Any way I can upgrade it to Joomla 4 taking into account part of my remaining subscription? I tried to do that with the upgrade option, but it seems that it only upgra... -
IssueI would like to use Komento as default comment for muscol but the plugin is giving syntax error. syntax error, unexpected 'extenDIRECTORY_SEPARATOR' (T_STRING), expecting '{'. Please advise. Thanks... -
Number of albums in the artist card
Good afternoon! Initially, the artist card displays 4 albums (see attached files). If an artist has more albums, is it possible to increase this number?... -
Remove Powered by Music Collection for Joomla?
IssueHi, We are using Music collection professional version with joomla latest version.How can "remove Powered by Music Collection for Joomla". Thanks... -
The picture in the album is not visible
Issuehello After I moved the site to the new server the picture in the album is not visible in the grid position in the module.... -
Facebook comments is temporarly blocked?
IssueAccording to facebook, we can not use the facebook comments feature in MC? I checked my FB account and there is nothing wrong there. I am not blocked from FB. This is completely the connection between MC and FB. See the attached. Just want to s... -
Expected date of released of music collection for J4 ?
Hi it's been a few months i am waiting for the release of Music collection for J4 to launch my website. Can you give us some update ? Are you really working activelyon it? Otherwise I will have to look for another componant ... Best regards... -
Translate Music Collection
Hi i translate music collection joomla 3 to Persian language ( Farsi ) u can use in your site for other people i cant buy Joomla 4 version because i have not much money in my country my salary is 100$ per month and i must pay 90$ for... i h...