View invoices online
Invoice Manager includes a frontend interface designed so your customers can view their invoices online, all at one place.
They can easily preview the invoices, view them in a full and empty window (very handy for printing purposes) and also send the invoices directly to their email accounts if necessary.
In this view, only the published invoices will be shown, and only if they are setted to be published in that particular date.
Allowing invoice access for non-logged users
Starting at Invoice Manager 1.3, we have included a new, very handy and secure option, that will allow your clients to access their invoices online, even if they are not registered users in your website. They do not need a Joomla account to see their invoices!
This option is based on a new link that will be created for each invoice to be accessed online, using an embedded authorization code on the URL, which you can send to your user, and he will be able to open.