What is the amount limit songs that appear on an album? for I am with an album that has more than 100 songs and the component is loading up the song number 88. The album that is happening this is the link:
Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, September 27 2016, 10:08 AM - #Permalink
    Show !!! It worked. I went Components / Music Collection / Options and General Use in Cache placed No.
    Thank you for your help.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, September 27 2016, 10:02 AM - #Permalink
    maybe if you have CACHE enabled, this is what is happening. try to clear the cache and reload again.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, September 27 2016, 10:00 AM - #Permalink
    This album has 100 songs and I'm managing to view and add more songs via the backend
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, September 27 2016, 09:53 AM - #Permalink
    in the backend, if you open the album to edit.. does it have 100 songs or 88?
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