I have been trying to eliminate this error by reading the related posts in the support, but without success.
This is the error:
"Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /var/www/vhosts/arcomedia.pt/httpdocs/components/com_muscol/models/playlists.php on line 121"
1) The joomla global configurations error reporting is already defined as "simple", only disappears if its changed to "none", but that will only hide the warning as referred in other posts, doesn´t solve the issue;
2) Also experimented adding comment quotes to "muscol_player_plugin_loaded = true" so that it only showed this line "muscol_player_module_loaded = false" also to no avail;
3) Also, the jwplayer module doesn´t work, I tried activating it and tried to fix it also, thinking the error could be linked to the module. Since some other modules didn't work due to short php tags "" I replaced every one but it still didn´t work.
And since i'm still inexperienced with php and javascript, i can't get a solution to the problem by my own. I hope you can help me out in this matter.
Best regards.
Here´s a link to the related error page:
http://www.arcomedia.pt/music-collection --> Listas de Reprodução
I have been trying to eliminate this error by reading the related posts in the support, but without success.
This is the error:
"Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /var/www/vhosts/arcomedia.pt/httpdocs/components/com_muscol/models/playlists.php on line 121"
1) The joomla global configurations error reporting is already defined as "simple", only disappears if its changed to "none", but that will only hide the warning as referred in other posts, doesn´t solve the issue;
2) Also experimented adding comment quotes to "muscol_player_plugin_loaded = true" so that it only showed this line "muscol_player_module_loaded = false" also to no avail;
3) Also, the jwplayer module doesn´t work, I tried activating it and tried to fix it also, thinking the error could be linked to the module. Since some other modules didn't work due to short php tags "" I replaced every one but it still didn´t work.
And since i'm still inexperienced with php and javascript, i can't get a solution to the problem by my own. I hope you can help me out in this matter.
Best regards.
Here´s a link to the related error page:
http://www.arcomedia.pt/music-collection --> Listas de Reprodução
Responses (12)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hello Miguek,
We have already solved the warning. If you download the Music Collection component 2.4.8 and you reinstall it, the warning will be solved.
You don't need to uninstall your current version, it will be overwritten.
We can't find the module that is not working. Could you please activate it and give us a link to it or give us access to the administrator area to activate it and look at it? -
Accepted Answer
0Thank you so much for the prompt reply*
I've already reinstalled the component and solve the warning issue right away just like you said.
The module is also activated now. the link to page is right bellow:
http://www.arcomedia.pt/music-collection --> Música --> Listas de Reprodução
If you still need access to the administrator area let me know.
I don't know if this helps in the issue of the module, but i think it might be having some incompatibillity with the rokbox theme.
Best regards* -
Accepted Answer
0Hello again,
I've already seen this issue before and it has an easy solution.
This is caused because you have the Widgekit Media Player enabled and it overwrites our module.
To solve the problem, go to components >> Widgekit >> Media Player and set the Settings' field "Enable" to NO.
Save the changes and the module will work fine.
Tell us if that solved your problem please. -
Accepted Answer
0Sorry but i'm afraid i set enable to "NO" made sure it was saved but the only thing that happened was the player that vanished,
The errors on the log are still the same:
Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list listas-de-reprodução:169
Uncaught Reference Error: RokBoxSettings is not defined
RokBox.Class.Class.initialize @ rokbox.js:180
(anonymous function) @ mootools-more.js:27
e.extend.$owner @ mootools-core.js:38
(anonymous function) @ mootools-core.js:37
(anonymous function) @ rokbox.js:284(anonymous function) @ mootools-core.js:121
(anonymous function) @ mootools-core.js:5
Array.implement.each @ mootools-core.js:9
invoke.fireEvent @ mootools-core.js:120
j @ mootools-core.js:175
Uncaught ReferenceError: popup_url is not defined VM34305:1 (this happens when i click in popup player)
I've read about some conflict that happens between jquery and mootools. Could that be a cause to the problem? -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Ok thank you so much for all good and fast service.
Could you just provide some short info (if it's not to much trouble) of what was causing the error, so that me and users with the same problem, could have some notion of what was causing it and understanding better. I hope you understand what i'm asking, I don't intend on giving you extra work on my behalf, It´s just, since i'm not an english native speaker i can´t always explain myself as i wanted to.
My best regards* -
Accepted Answer
we have just uploaded a new version of the JW player module, version 2.4.5. Please download it and install again in your website, the problem should be gone.
The issue was just a semicolon ";" missing on one javascript sentence that was causing problems in some browsers. it was a little bug on the module, not related to your site or your template!
many thanks for notifying the issue to us! -
Accepted Answer
0I apologise for taking a while to answer.
I installed the module, and it did erased all the errors it was showing, although the player still doesn't show in the page.
I tried unistalling and then install again but to no use.
Also there is a new error showing when you click the popup player, different from the one before:
Uncaught Cannot call remove() before player is ready
undefined.e.api.j.remove @ jwplayer.js:90
deletePlayer @ module_jwplayer_functions.js:29
createWindow @ module_jwplayer_functions.js:35
(anonymous function) @ VM38032:1
I did look at it but I couldn't find the cause
I was hoping the semicolon ";" could have solve everything, it wasn´t the case unfortunately -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0I have this warning/error as well (Warning: Creating default object from empty value in .........public_html/components/com_muscol/models/playlists.php on line 121) in-spite using Music Collection 2.4.8. How can this warning be fixed?-
Miguel Silvamore than a month agoI had that version too before the error, just download it again and reinstall. It should fix it automatically
Germinal Campsmore than a month agohello!
yes, please RE-DOWNLOAD verision 2.4.8 and reinstall, this issue should be now gone.
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