subscription component

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I expect to include a subscription feature (mp3 actually and avi/mpg4/flv later) to the site of a friend of me for his feldenkrais courses training.
The goal is to allow to registered users/students to download the mp3 courses files and to allow download after payment to another users, registered but not students or unregistered.
Do you think that we can use your component for that ?
I'd use artists as themes for example
The other way would be to use a "normal" subscription component such as Akeeba subscription for that.
I don't know if I'm clear ?
Thanx anyway for your answer and best regards
A "Lucky User" winning with your components ;)
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 02 2012, 05:45 PM - #Permalink
    well, you could use our component for that, with a bit of customization.
    I mean, if you use Akeeba to manage the subscriptions, for instance, which is a good idea, then we could make the integration into Music Collection so "only users with a valid subscription" are allowed to download. do you know what I mean? :)
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