Paypal integration

Assuming we buy this extension, is there a way to integrate this with Paypal? What we would like to do is offer a music archive online for an ethnic group wherein they can come and form an online community. I see that your module does that with JomSocial, etc. However I do not see any place which refers to sale of music online. Is that possible? This is a site for artists as well who will be selling their own compilations so there is no copyright issues. If anything ...I need an ability where they can sample a track from a CD and if they like it, they can press 'Buy' button or something and add to cart and check out to Paypal.

Can this be done? Has anyone done it? If you are a developer, would you like to work with us? Email me or PM me.
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, August 14 2010, 11:25 PM - #Permalink
    Support is currently out on vacation, though they are otherwise typically very fast to respond. I am just a customer/user.

    This component does not have a full e-commerce system built into it. It does however provide a spot to place a buy button on songs and/or albums that you can then use to link to paypal, amazon, or to your own e-commerce app or component. In this fashion it would be fairly simple to integrate it with a paypal system.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, August 15 2010, 05:15 PM - #Permalink
    @genesys: what greengeek says is correct. this feature is not available out of the box, only a spot to place a link. if you are interested in custom coding, you can contact us here:

    @greengeek: I see you are quite active these days on the forum, while we're on vacation :) we really appreciate that!! thanks!
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