Hi, there...


I'd like to make a networking site for bands and music lovers in my country. I'm not a coder, I'm not a programmer, and I have questions :

1. What do you mean with 'Joomla management system'?
Is something like an integration beetween Joomla template, modules, plugins, etc..?

2. I need to know how user-friendly is this theme / components?
Since I only know a little bit of html and css
I can install and run joomla,
I know about Joomla components,
but I'm not really sure I can handle yours...
This looks complicated to me. :(
So..... if I buy this 'Joomla music management system'
can I learn and run JoomlaMusicSolutions alone by myself?
or should I seek / hire a programmer ?

-many thanks-

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, March 06 2011, 06:14 AM - #Permalink
    Joomla is a Content Management System. (CMS). it offers basic functionalities to create a web site. to extend this functionalities, you can install different types of extensions in it. these are called COMPONENTS, MODULES, PLUGINS or TEMPLATES.

    Music Collection is a COMPONENT that you can install in joomla to add a Music Manageent System to your joomla site.

    definitely you DON'T need to hire a programmer. Music Collection is just "one more extension" for joomla, it works like every other extension.
    you just need to set up its configuration at the beginning (very easy to do) and you are ready to go. just like any other extension.

    and on top of that, you have our support: if you have some doubt at any point or some problem, you can just ask us and we'll tell you how to handle it.

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