
I help to run a quite large, busy Roller Coaster enthusiast site and one thing we're desperate for is a "Coasters I've ridden" collection.

Music Collection on the surface seems to be about the only, decent, collection system for Joomla, but would I be able to customise it for our site?

I can see how I could modify artists/albums/songs to be manufacturer/theme park/coaster but how easy is it to customise to this extent?

Also, we want the user base to be able to create the content themselves so build the huge number of coasters out there (essentially adding albums), but each user needs to be able to build their own collection of "what they've been on". So it's like having a section of "Songs I own". I could maybe see the playlist being customised for that at a stretch, but is there any facility (or planned facility) for adding that kind of functionality?

Many thanks!

Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, December 12 2011, 06:26 PM - #Permalink
    hello Phil,

    well, "name" customization is not a problem at all (you can just change "artist" to "manufacturer" and such on the language file, that is really easy. but customizing "features", if they require big code changes, is only possible if you're a joomla developer...

    about the "my collection" feature, that is something that would need to be created as custom coding work, it's not something that music collection offers out of the box.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, December 13 2011, 02:19 PM - #Permalink
    Thanks germi, very useful. Is there a procedure to go through to get a quote for custom coding?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, December 13 2011, 04:14 PM - #Permalink
    you can just contact us using the CUSTOM SERVICE form (look on the top menu of this site) exposing the customization to do, or just contact us with your requests directly at joomlamusicsolutions@gmail.com
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