Film Soundtracks

Hello, nice website, and good looking extension it seems at a very reasonable price :)

I am new to Joomla and just installed 1.6 . it is very cool and I am learning everyday. After reading here I realise I must wait a few weeks for beta version of music collection. I dont mind waiting but I am excited lol

What I would like to do is make a site for only songs from Film Soundtracks and nothing else. I will use only videos available on youtube. therefore each song would be associated with Film(album), Artist (singer) & Actors. I also want to add tags for decade, composer and lyricist so people can search for film songs from the 60s or the 70s like saturday night fever etc. I would like it that when people search for John Travolta, they find a special profile page for him and a list of films like Grease, Saturday Night fever etc. If people search for Beegees then they will also find saturday night fever...

From what I can see there is a special page for artist (singer) profile and album (film) details but is it possible to create a special profile page for the actors?

i cant wait to add lyrics and things, it will be so much fun making this site :)

thanks for help
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