Im not looking to have you fix it. This is just a general question of status:
Its been a while since i been here. Not much in updates so there was no need to download the latest version or renew my subscription. MC has been working fine for me. However, recently the "Search on Discogs" seems to not be working.
To make sure of settings i went and updated my Token and Key from Discogs. Then i applied them to the MC back end.
But nothing happens when i click Search on Discogs.
The only change thats taken place which i can think would interfere is that recently my site went from HTTP to HTTPS.
Would this cause an issue?
Its been a while since i been here. Not much in updates so there was no need to download the latest version or renew my subscription. MC has been working fine for me. However, recently the "Search on Discogs" seems to not be working.
To make sure of settings i went and updated my Token and Key from Discogs. Then i applied them to the MC back end.
But nothing happens when i click Search on Discogs.
The only change thats taken place which i can think would interfere is that recently my site went from HTTP to HTTPS.
Would this cause an issue?
Responses (10)
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Accepted Answer
0I have found the issue.
Its all because of PHP7
See here the latest error showing up on the PUBLIC side of the site:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgMuscolJomsocial has a deprecated constructor in /homepages/38/d692002752/xxxx/xxxx.com/plugins/muscol/jomsocial/jomsocial.php on line 25
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgMuscolFacebook has a deprecated constructor in /homepages/38/d692002752/xxxx/xxxx.com.com/plugins/muscol/facebook/facebook.php on line 21
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; TableAlbum has a deprecated constructor in /homepages/38/d692002752/xxxx/xxxx.com.com/administrator/components/com_muscol/tables/album.php on line 22
This error is causing two issues.
A) Any module showing SONGS will not show up.
B) The FACEBOOK COMMENTS plugin will work but still kicks out this error
C) The plugin that sends a FEED UPDATE to JomSocial, will work but again it will kick out an error on the PUBLIC side of the site.
I imagine with these errors happening, its the same reason why my DISCOGS button doenst work either -
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Accepted Answer
0I think i found the issue. Seems possibly to be the PHP version i am using (Currently 7.3)
I can bump down to 7.2 but i think the problem will be eliminated if i go as far down as 7.0
The reason i say this is because:
1) i upload 7 different songs by 7 different artists but all into the SAME album folder (songs/The-Mutual)
2) in Admin i go to Components > Music Collection > Albums
3) Click "SCAN FOLDER"
4) Under FOLDERS FOUND click "The-Mutual"
5) On the right side click "Process all these files using their ID3 Tages creating new albums and artists if necessary"
The next screen shows me "operator not supported for strings"
If i go back to the Music Collection Albums page in the admin area, there are only 4 artists + 4 songs added. The rest are missing.
This error "operator not supported for strings" seems to be an issue connecting with PHP 7.1+
According to Joomla. This error occurs when a Plugin or Module is out of date for the PHP Version -
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Accepted Answer
0Germinal Camps wrote:
If you go to Music Collection configuration, do you have the "Use CURL for Discogs requests (BETA)" enabled?
Originally it wast not selected.
I activated it and tried again. Same result.
Once i click"search on Discogs" nothing happens.
Im pretty sute im using the correct info from Discogs API
I need the OAuth token = This would be the Shown at the bottom of this page https://www.discogs.com/settings/developers (For me when i am logged in and have APIs created)
OAuth access token secret = This would be the "Consumer Secret" at Discogs
Am i correct?
I did however have something entered in the HOMEPAGE and CALLBACK urls locations of Discogs. I see those are optional so i removed that information as well -
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