Hey Germ,
So I have a Menu Item linking to Music Collection, the Alphabet Bar works perfectly however I dont quite understand how those modules operate. In the Demo, they are directly under the Bar....are these actual module positions or in the Music Collection default logic?
I do notice when I click on the Menu Item, a loading image displays...but nothing ever loads...
Screenshot in the attachments section.
So I have a Menu Item linking to Music Collection, the Alphabet Bar works perfectly however I dont quite understand how those modules operate. In the Demo, they are directly under the Bar....are these actual module positions or in the Music Collection default logic?
I do notice when I click on the Menu Item, a loading image displays...but nothing ever loads...
Screenshot in the attachments section.
Responses (13)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0You have to do a loadposition or module in the main area of Music Collection and then you will get the effect you are looking for.
info about your music system ===============this is text your info===============================
Then load the module here
more information ===================this is text your info =====================================
Then load your second module artist or album or songs
and when people click on the image (album or song or artist) they will be redirected to the detail page
this is how you can place the modules in Music Collection.
Create your layout first with all the text you are going to use and take a small image for your placeholder
and copy everything into the music collection and simply place the loadposition or load module where the placeholder image
is and your info and modules will show with any problems... and yes delete the placeholder image.
Download "Load-Module-in-Article" plugin or you can use joomla builtin plugin for loading modules in articles..
But this is what you would add in order to get any module to load on the frontpage of Music Collection
Your Text
{module [63]}
more text
{module [33]}
Now the number is the module ID instead of putting the name all you have to do is use the Module ID!
I hope this is what you are seeking to do!
charles -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Music Homepage
Featured Albums = ID 63
Featured Artist Module = ID 24
Alphabet Bar
Your Text About Featured Albums
{module [63]}
Your Text About Artist Module
{module [24]}
You will find the module ID in the Module Manager Area just find the module and then look directly to your right for the ID!
Pass The Help Forward...
Charles -
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Accepted Answer
the modules on our demo are being loaded using "loadposition". we have a small help article that may help with this: http://www.joomlathat.com/documentation/music-collection/custom-homepage -
Accepted Answer
0This appears to be simular to the issue im have and i have tried full boot min boot and load java and nothing i still have a blank homepage below my search barReferences:
Accepted Answer
0You just need to load the module like I stated above! You can load the modules in Music Collection or in the module positions within your template. And I just checked your website and you have over 38 errors on your homepage.
Do you know what level of Bootstrap your template uses? If you do then select the same level in Music Collection that might get rid of some of the errors you have. And disable everything on your homepage in order to get Music Collection up and running and then add a new module, one by one to make sure they are not blocking Music Collection from working.
again you have errors on most of your website (Video, Shop, Network, Services and Live) ... You might have to make adjustments to your .htaccess file also. Disable your slider to see if that is not causing the problem. I see you have it on all of your pages.
But start with Bootstrap... Match the level with what your template uses and that may solve some of the problems.
I use this plugin to load my modules "Load-Module-in-Article" download and install it and I will post how I have my system setup. Just copy and replace the text with your own. All you have to do is change the text to what you what to say and the module ID! If the artist module is 38 that is what you will replace my number with! -
Accepted Answer
0charles wrote:
You just need to load the module like I stated above! You can load the modules in Music Collection or in the module positions within your template. And I just checked your website and you have over 38 errors on your homepage.
Do you know what level of Bootstrap your template uses? If you do then select the same level in Music Collection that might get rid of some of the errors you have. And disable everything on your homepage in order to get Music Collection up and running and then add a new module, one by one to make sure they are not blocking Music Collection from working.
again you have errors on most of your website (Video, Shop, Network, Services and Live) ... You might have to make adjustments to your .htaccess file also. Disable your slider to see if that is not causing the problem. I see you have it on all of your pages.
But start with Bootstrap... Match the level with what your template uses and that may solve some of the problems.
I use this plugin to load my modules "Load-Module-in-Article" download and install it and I will post how I have my system setup. Just copy and replace the text with your own. All you have to do is change the text to what you what to say and the module ID! If the artist module is 38 that is what you will replace my number with!
Yea im actually trying to find some one i can pay to fic the errors now as we speak -
Accepted Answer
0First try this!
0. Download the plugin "Load Module In Article" https://www.pages-and-items.com/extensions/load-module-into-article
Install It and go to plugin and enable it!
1. Log into the Backend of Joomla
2. Go to Music Collection
3. Then Click on Option
4. Then Click on Main page
5. You are going to place the followng text into these two boxes:
Introduction text
Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text
{module [8024]}
Introduction text 2
Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text, Just Text
{module [8025]}
Just Text
These numbers 8024 & 8025 are your module ID that you will use with the "Load Module In Article" plugin. Just change the number to the Music Collection Modules you have in your Module Manager and the plugin will load them. Artist or Song or Album Module. Right now you will be able to load two modules and you can change the "Just Text" to anything you want.
Don't forget, you have to download the plugin and enable it or the plugin will not load Music Collection Modules
The only thing you have to change is the text and the module ID. The image can be a Banner that you want to place between the Artist & Song Module. And the plugin allows you to place any module in your article.
Now to Bootstrap:
I believe you are using a Joomlart Template and it runs on Bootstrap 3. It will automatically load so you really don't need to select BootStrap in Music Collection so select none and review the image I am attaching to this post. Joomlart Temaplte loads Bootstrap so you need to disable it in all of your other modules or you will run into a JS Conflict where you have multi modules trying to load their own version of Bootstrap and JQuery.
I have attached the plugin to this post and once you get your site working don't forget to help the next guy...
One more thing you should hide your community from the general public. And once a person logs into your system that when you should give them full access! -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0html is not coming out well in my post so I place it in a text file for you. Again just change the "Just Text" to anything you want and don't forget to replace the module ID with your own and you are done!
Install and enable the plugin also... Ok I can't upload a text file so I created a zip file. open and you will find the text. -
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