Im moving my entire website to a new server and hosting company. On the new server its getting different customization so i cant just copy the SQL in full from one to the other. Im starting new from the GROUND UP with the new build.
I want to move my Music Collection information over as well and for one artist as an example, he has over 60 albums, and each album contains anywhere from 24 to 38 songs.
What do you recommend to move the content over?
I want to move my Music Collection information over as well and for one artist as an example, he has over 60 albums, and each album contains anywhere from 24 to 38 songs.
What do you recommend to move the content over?
Accepted Answer
Well that was easy.
I was able to copy over the SQL database tabless a llot easier than last time.
Steps to complete:
You should do them in this order. Genres / Artists / Albums / Songs
1) Install Latest version of MC on both servers
2) Go to phpMYadmin on new server
3) Select the following SQL Tables ( Songs, Artists, Genres, Albums )
4) Click EMPTY to wipe the tables clean. DO NOT DELETE THE TABLES
5) In the OLD server, download the SQL Tables ( Songs, Artists, Genres, Albums ) as an SQL file
6) Open the SQL file on a text editor
7) Edit the database PREFIX name to match the new database (Do this to ALL references)
8) Save the SQL file (Because its always good to save things)
9) Put your cursor by the line that says "Dumping data for table __________________" where it references GENRES
**DO NOT COPY THE LINE READING [CREATE TABLE] because you dont need to create a table, you already have one.
10) Copy that line and all the way down to the LAST LINE of sql code for GENRES ONLY
11) In the new server, PASTE the SQL information into the SQL INSERT Window or RUN SQL window via phpMYadmin.
12) Click GO
If you did it wrong, the server will tell you theres an error.
If you did it right, it will tell you (xxx number of lines were effected)
Repeat steps for the other tables.
I hope you all understood that.
I was able to copy over the SQL database tabless a llot easier than last time.
Steps to complete:
You should do them in this order. Genres / Artists / Albums / Songs
1) Install Latest version of MC on both servers
2) Go to phpMYadmin on new server
3) Select the following SQL Tables ( Songs, Artists, Genres, Albums )
4) Click EMPTY to wipe the tables clean. DO NOT DELETE THE TABLES
5) In the OLD server, download the SQL Tables ( Songs, Artists, Genres, Albums ) as an SQL file
6) Open the SQL file on a text editor
7) Edit the database PREFIX name to match the new database (Do this to ALL references)
8) Save the SQL file (Because its always good to save things)
9) Put your cursor by the line that says "Dumping data for table __________________" where it references GENRES
**DO NOT COPY THE LINE READING [CREATE TABLE] because you dont need to create a table, you already have one.
10) Copy that line and all the way down to the LAST LINE of sql code for GENRES ONLY
11) In the new server, PASTE the SQL information into the SQL INSERT Window or RUN SQL window via phpMYadmin.
12) Click GO
If you did it wrong, the server will tell you theres an error.
If you did it right, it will tell you (xxx number of lines were effected)
Repeat steps for the other tables.
I hope you all understood that.
Responses (2)
Accepted Answer
0Also keep in mind, i have the SAME version of Music Collection on BOTH servers at the moment.
However im not sure what to do about the DB Tables in the NEW server.
Would it make sense for me to do the following:
1) Install the same version of MC on both servers.
2) Empty the SQL tables for MC on the new server
3) Copy the old server SQL tables into the new server
4) Reinstall the MC Component , Plugin, and modules on the new server.
I wanted to follow those steps but i believe it will cause a problem.
Instead i think i should ONLY copy the SQL tables for
Because i dont need the alter the MC configurations or anything about it. Im ONLY trying to transfer the CONTENT (Songs / Albums)
What do you think? -
Accepted Answer
0Once the info is copied to the new server youll notice the Album Images do not appear to show up. This iis because they are still HARD LINKED to the old url.
If you are migrating your domain from one server to another, then its fine because once the migration is complete, the URLs for the images will automatically be looking in the right place so dont bother trying to alter them ahead of time before the domain migration.
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