Hide song pages? Issue

Does anyone know if there is a way to disable the individual song pages?
The reason why I ask this is that I have over 200+ artists in my database, with a total of 779 albums, that makes about 2000 song pages.
And on the song pages have no extra info. That hurts my SEO.

I just want to show the albums on the artist pages and that's it.

Anyone know how to do this, thanks
Responses (5)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, November 07 2021, 09:12 PM - #Permalink
    Sunnyboy wrote:

    Hi Appie,

    Darn I didn't thought that setting the joomla Default List Limit would effect the muscol list.

    Stupid me haha thanks man, this did the trick and I was able to delete thousands of pages.

    I hope the new improved version drops soon :)

    Hee Sunnyboy,

    Glad I could help out...

    Yep cant wait either for the new version, already start building a new J4 site, and MusCol is the main feature on the site, so that would help a lot if it comes quickly..
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, November 07 2021, 06:54 PM - #Permalink
    Hi Appie,

    Darn I didn't thought that setting the joomla Default List Limit would effect the muscol list.

    Stupid me haha thanks man, this did the trick and I was able to delete thousands of pages.

    I hope the new improved version drops soon :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, November 03 2021, 07:10 PM - #Permalink
    Sunnyboy wrote:
    Since I have so many songs I have 900+ pages of songs to delete.
    Do you have any idea how to increase the 10 pages limit in the code?

    There is no option to select more items on a page.

    Again not the answer you're looking for...
    But you can increase the "Default List Limit" to show 500 songs at 1 page
    Maybe you already did that...?

    Sorry but I am not a code master....

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, November 03 2021, 09:51 AM - #Permalink
    Hoi Appie :)

    Thanks for the work around!
    Since I have so many songs I have 900+ pages of songs to delete.
    Do you have any idea how to increase the 10 pages limit in the code?

    There is no option to select more items on a page.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, October 15 2021, 09:00 AM - #Permalink
    Hi Sunnyboy,

    Don't have the exact answer you're looking for but maybe this is a work around for your "problem".

    Delete all songs at album level, so the songs don't show up, and find the song tab in the code and comment that one out.

    Hope it helps..

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