I get below fatal error in recently added artist module:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in .../modules/mod_muscol_recently_added_artists/helper.php on line 16
I appreciate if someone could help.
I get below fatal error in recently added artist module:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in .../modules/mod_muscol_recently_added_artists/helper.php on line 16
I appreciate if someone could help.
Responses (4)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Thanks for your help. I solved the issue by updating module.
I have some more issues with modules. Looking at the image below, my issues are:
1- Is it possible to module show an empty space (same as Top Viewed Songs Last Hour) in the image below rather than disappearing.
At the moment for top viewed Artists, Albums, Playlists, if there is no item in the list, all of the module disappears and makes the orgnaisation of all modules look bad.
2- The numbers shown inside modules are really wrong.
Top viewed albums last month 482 (in reality this viewed maybe just 20 times)
Top viewed song last month 384 (again it is been done only 20 times as this is a developing site)
Top viewed artists 1752 probably view is only 10
I just created that playlist yesterday and visited only 3 times, already shows 22 visits.
Does this counter, also counts bots etc?
Thanks. -
Accepted Answer
01. this is actually joomla's configuration... the module renderer works like this: "if empty, do not show"... it does not depend on the module BUT onthe template...!
2. probably it's bots that are being counted. for instance: do you have any facebook module or such in your page? the facebook modules make a lot of queries to the page, and that's why sometimes you hit only 1 time and it counts as 4 times or so...
we don't have a bot filter on music collection statistics track... however this is a feature of Content Statistics (http://www.joomlacontentstatistics.com/ ) .... but it hasn't been brought to Music Collection, it's a relatively new feature and we haven't imported it yet... -
Accepted Answer
0Hello and thanks for quick replys.
On the issue number one, I use the same module for Top Viewed Artists, songs, albums, and playlists.
The Top Viewed Songs does still keep the module even if it is empty however the other three does not (disappear).
This is same joomla, same template, and same module (different configuration), I think this also depends on the module code rather than only joomla and template.
The second issue, would be good to have a bot filter as I dont have any facebook module and all numbers are results of bots.
I also have a general enquiry and will send an email as it is not technical.
Thanks again.
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