Are you planning to use cache album covers?
Now all thumbs is generated each time and overload the server. When generating 50-60 images on the homepage, processor (Core i3) is loaded at 100%!!! What will happen when the site will come a few hundred visitors?
Maybe you have a solution? Ready to participate in beta-test
And these links are not secure:
Everything else I like :3
... and sorry for my english!
Now all thumbs is generated each time and overload the server. When generating 50-60 images on the homepage, processor (Core i3) is loaded at 100%!!! What will happen when the site will come a few hundred visitors?
Maybe you have a solution? Ready to participate in beta-test
And these links are not secure:
img src="/components/com_muscol/helpers/image.php?file=/home/blahblah/blahblah/domainname/public_html/images/albums/R-1732535-1239975139.jpeg&width=115&height=" alt="blahblah" title="blahblah"
Everything else I like :3
... and sorry for my english!

Responses (3)
Accepted Answer
0I will answer to myself
I replaced
$image_album = MusColHelper::createThumbnail($album->image, $album->name, $this->params->get('thumb_size_artists_1'), array("title" => $album->name));
$image_album = JHTML::image('images/albums/thumbs_115/' . $album->image , $album->name , $image_attr );
I know php-syntax very bad . Somebody, tell me how to add alt and title to the picture in this construction?
Notice: When I upload the album art in *.png - thumbs not created. Just had to replace them. -
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