I set up color for moudule Top viewed artists, albums and songs

But module don't use this color. It always displays colors by default.

But module don't use this color. It always displays colors by default.
Responses (4)
Accepted Answer
0you must loose the "#"
it's just FFFFFF, not #FFFFFF-
romagromovmore than a month agoChanged.
No results - don't work. -
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoI don't understand.. it works fine for me! have you changed the "red" too?
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Ahah... It's really work only for TagCloud option (layout).
Unbelievable, why this options don't work for simple layout?
BTW, TagCloud layout don't displays cyrillic symbols - that's why I don't use this mode.
Also it uses flash - as for me it's very outdated technology.
Moreover, apple devices don't displays flash.
May be you'll interest - http://www.websanova.com/blog/jquery/10-awesome-jquery-tag-cloud-plugins-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agothanks for the tip! we'll try to bulit a jquery tagcloud. thanks!
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