Hi friends, don't know what's wrong. I created an album named Unknown and there are many songs in that album. Now couldn't add a new song to that album but with other album with less songs no problem. Is there any limit on the number of songs per album? When I click save, Joomla redirects to the Joomla administrator control panel. Please help. Thanks.
Responses (10)
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Accepted Answer
0No it's an external link of the mp3.-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agonevermind, that's what's causing the issue, trust me
Accepted Answer
0But I don't upload any file I just put the external link. why max_file_uploads interfere? On my server, it is 20. But I think that should not be the problem cos no any file upload.-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agook, let's try one more time to convince you: it's max_file_uploads. I bet a box of beer ;) I bet the number of songs in that album is 17, and it doesn't let you upload anymore. did I guess right? it's max_file_uploads then ;)
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoit doesn't matter if you don't upload, the field for upload is created anyway and that's what counts for PHP.
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0When I check the error_log it says PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. Maybe this is the problem. I'll find out more.-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoboth limits are related. the max_file_uploads need to be increased too.. that's for sure.
Accepted Answer
0Yes the problem lies on that guy max_input_vars value. Too many songs for that album. Germi, when will we be able to add a new song from the song menu itself not from the album?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agothere's already this form in the frontend for single songs (ID3 tag reading), but only in the frontend (not in your version).
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