is there a demo site/feature available to check Invoice Manager integration with Community Builder?
Can you provide us the link to check before we proceed to buy?
Can you provide us the link to check before we proceed to buy?
Responses (5)
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Accepted Answer
0Germinal Camps wrote:
Sorry, we do have a demo site (demo.joomlathat.com) but the Community builder integration is not demoed in there.
do you have any specific questions about it?
Would like to hear from you soon.
Hi, as we have several client sites using CB, we would like to check how Invoice Manager works with invoicing for calendar vs rolling year, part year payments, renewals, upgrades, auto renewal etc before we commit to purchase. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
We have admin fields with payment amount, membership category and other payment details etc tied in with each member record in CB. we just need to be able to populate these data into relevant invoices and receipts. Can these be done with Inoive Manager? We are not usign CBSubs at the moment. Thanks!-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agothen there should be no problem importing this info when you create an invoice. you should be able to get information from the CB profile into the default Invoice Manager "recipient" tab fields
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