Hello, the logo show on the admin panel, but not on the PDF. Have tried with:
Everywhere the alt show and the error msg is: Image not found or type unknown
Everywhere the alt show and the error msg is: Image not found or type unknown
Responses (4)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Putting the full URL in the template won't work. The processor is inserting into that field, whatever is already stored in the "company_logo" variable. That var is set when using the logo select button. But I don't think that procedure works correctly. It's not storing the filename in the variable correcty.
It would be nice to have an option to exclude the logo in the template. Right now, if that procedure is messed up, there's no way to opt out of it. -
Accepted Answer
0Michael Wallace wrote:
Putting the full URL in the template won't work. The processor is inserting into that field, whatever is already stored in the "company_logo" variable. That var is set when using the logo select button. But I don't think that procedure works correctly. It's not storing the filename in the variable correcty.
It would be nice to have an option to exclude the logo in the template. Right now, if that procedure is messed up, there's no way to opt out of it.
Also, while I haven't renewed recently, I am a valid customer. I have purchsed in the past, but the formum says I'm not a valid customer. Anyone who has previously purchased the product should be considered a valid customer. Maybe it should read not an ACTIVE customer at this time, but I'd prefer it show I did purchase at some point. -
Accepted Answer
0Germinal Camps wrote:
what happens if you try to put the full URL of the image? (including http://...)
I have to apologize. The problem I experienced was an operator error, meaning an error on my part.
In configuration, I can set the default template. And, on each invoice, I can set which template to use. In configuration, I set the default as invoice [custom] (which I created). But all my invoices themselves were still set to the default, invoice. Once I discovered that error and reset them all to invoice [custom], things worked as they should.
Again, my apologies.
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