After click on the Paypal button how to have the Paypal connection page in french ?
Best regards
Stephane SCHMITT
After click on the Paypal button how to have the Paypal connection page in french ?
Best regards
Stephane SCHMITT
Responses (10)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hi, perfect for Paypal
So , we have 2 another questions.
1 - As you can see in attached files (invoicies-02.png) we have "payment_check" as paiement method. We use Hikashop and in this case the "check" hikashop plugin.
We need to change and translate "payment_check" method as "Paiement Paypal" for exemple. The best way for us will be to use the name of the hikashop's payment method that we've create and used.
2 - on the payment page (invoicies-01.png) there's fields and we need to translate the "Payment" field ...
Stephane -
Accepted Answer
1. can you try adding this to the /language/fr-FR/fr-FR.com_invoices.ini file:
PAYMENT_CHECK="Paiement Paypal"
2. that's a little bit different.. this would require to change file /plugins/hikashop/invoicemanager/invoicemanager.php and at the end, arounf line 328, you see "Payment". you can change it there. -
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germinal,
Ok for precedent issues :-)
We've working hard and at this time we're thinking that Invoice Manager is a great component.
There's still some small issues we wish to resolved.
1 - how to have french calendar in back-office ? see invoice-4.png attached file
2 - how to change the paypal button ? see invoice-5.png attached file
3 - how to translate the invoice's title in the emails, we have "Invoice" and not "Facture" ? see invoice-6.png attached file
4 - Why the invoice's mail notification is sent twice ? module is set at "All" for order status in the "hikashop invoice manager" plugin -- see invoice-8.png attached file
For now that's all
Stephane -
Accepted Answer
Some more issues...
5 - when using the small icons links as "see details" or "view online" or "send" we have new page or pop-up. then when we click for payment access we loose the associated "Itemid=3435 joomla menu"... so frontend is no more correct. Other bug, but same problem (see invoice-9.png) , when wwe click on email icon, html adress seems correct (item 3435") but joomla modules are not. In this case we have joomla module that are set on "All excepted selected" and not modules selected for the 3435 jommla menu...
thank's -
Accepted Answer
1- the date format in the dropdown is in English format. However it will be in french when displayed in the invoice.
2- this can be changed directly in the file /plugins/invoices/payment_paypal/payment_paypal/tmpl/form.php
3- You can change subject of emails in Invoice Manager configuration, "E-mail" tab.
4- hmm... it should be sent once only. Maybe is some configuration on your outgoing email server?
5- can you send me a link? -
Accepted Answer
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