Hi there,
Is there anyway to remove the filter options and also when you create an new event is there anyway you can make the Access: Public by default not Private?
Is there anyway to remove the filter options and also when you create an new event is there anyway you can make the Access: Public by default not Private?
Responses (12)
Accepted Answer
0Was this issue ever resolved? I have a similar need and the suggested mod has no effect.
Germinal Campsmore than a month agohi
if you want to send me access I'll try to do it myself.
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Accepted Answer
0Hi Germinal - I got the filters removed but I cant get the common file to work.
I couldnt find it in /components/com_calendarplanner but I found it (if its the correct one) in /components/com_calendarplanner/common.js/assets
Is there anyway you can send the edited common.js file?
Sorry to be a pain
Thanks -
Accepted Answer
0yes, if you open file /components/com_calendarplanner/common.js and you go down to line 629, you need to change the value "access", which will be set to 0, to 1. like this:
access: 0,
and a few lines below, around line 634 for example, you need to add this:
current_access = data.access;
to remove the filters in that other page, you will need to do it direclty in the code fo the file:
/components/com_calendarplanner/views/events/tmpl/default.php -
Accepted Answer
0Hi there,
Can I have the code tweak? or can you tell me the pathway to the code that needs to change?
On this website here
I want to get rid of the bar that allows you to filter events.
Is this possible?
Thanks -
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