Hi. I don't find the changelog of AT. Where i find it?
Best regards
Best regards
Accepted Answer
- security fix on backend views
- status filter on backend fixed.
- router funciton updates and improved.
- you can now create manual logs and assign users to affiliates
- you can delete or edit log entries now
- you can now EDIT payment options in backend
- frontend small bug fixes.
- multi-level affiliate option (on EXTENDED version only)
These are the main changes from 2.0.5 to current 2.1.2
- security fix on backend views
- status filter on backend fixed.
- router funciton updates and improved.
- you can now create manual logs and assign users to affiliates
- you can delete or edit log entries now
- you can now EDIT payment options in backend
- frontend small bug fixes.
- multi-level affiliate option (on EXTENDED version only)
These are the main changes from 2.0.5 to current 2.1.2
Responses (9)
Accepted Answer
We don't keep a public a changelog for minor version upgrades.
Latest major version release was 2.0: http://www.joomlathat.com/news/affiliate-tracker/affiliate-tracker-2-0-0-is-here -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Francesco wrote:
It would be very useful see these changelog in your site. However thank you.
Best regards
Agree, If I do not know what changed, I do not know what to test. If I do not know what to test then upgrading will be delayed (or not done)
Changelogs (even for minor) are must have.
what are the changes in 2.1.5? -
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