suggestions for AT

Hi. Here some suggestions to improve AT

1) add conditions and terms feature so when affiliate create a new account and link have to accept it before;
2) item menu about merchant control panel on front end (as now in backend);
3) "ask referral word" link feature so affiliate can click on it and merchant receive a notification message customizable with tags;
4) admin option to moderate or not the account creation. Right now it seems that admin have to approve it manually every time;
5) in AT options add the field "how many accounts user can create" where admin set the max number.

Best regards

Accepted Answer

Joan Vilà
Joan Vilà
Friday, December 11 2015, 09:51 AM - #Permalink
Hello Francesco,

We are very happy to get this kind of feedback :)
We are going to consider your suggestions and add them if possible.

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