The player plugin doesn't load skins because of crossdomain limitations as described here http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1403679-crossdomain-file-loading
This happens because the player attempts to pull skins from a url without www but my website rewrites to www. Muscol does the same with some image files and they end up as url redirections in performance reports.
In jwplayer.php I changed
This way the player loads the skin, but it's an fugly hack. Have you guys seen this around? Why some things ignore the url redirection to www?
This happens because the player attempts to pull skins from a url without www but my website rewrites to www. Muscol does the same with some image files and they end up as url redirections in performance reports.
In jwplayer.php I changed
$array_params["skin"] = $uri->base() . $plugin_root . "skins/" . $params->get('skin') .".xml";
$array_params["skin"] = "http:// www. lobotoradio.com/plugins/muscolplayers/jwplayer/skins/" . $params->get('skin') .".xml";
This way the player loads the skin, but it's an fugly hack. Have you guys seen this around? Why some things ignore the url redirection to www?
Responses (3)
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Accepted Answer
0this looks like there's some kind of missconfiguration in joomla that takes the "root" of the site without www instead of with www. it's weird. but it's not related to Music Collection.
the function $uri->base() as you can see is a native joomla function.. music collection or the player does not "act" on this...
in any case your fix is OK. -
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