I noticed this error when viewing any songs where the name contains either " ' " (apostrophe), accent egu or some French characters..
Any fix for this?
Any fix for this?
Responses (15)
Accepted Answer
0mmm I though this was solved by a "addslashes" function in the plugin...
but you mean when the song name contains " ' " or the FILENAME contains it? if its the filename, that makes more sense... (filenames should NEVER contain this characters!!
can you post a link to your site? I'll take a look at the page code.. -
Accepted Answer
no doubt about it, the problem is the "'" on the file name. you have to change it I'm afraid...
filenames should NEVER contain characters out ot A-Z, 0-9 and underscore "_" .... and blankspaces are not so recommended too, but I think they work
in fact, if you use the MC uploader, it filters and renames filenames to avoid this. So I asume you uploaded byt FTP, wich is fine, but you'll have to rename those files containing '
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Finwick wrote:
Hi Germi,
Here's an example
Click on the song L'Humanite (file name is also the same spelling L'Humanite
I've solved this problem with utf8_jwstr trick. This will allow you to play any file that has valid UTF8 filenames. The solution can be found here:
Only works for version 2 as fas as I know though. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Sorry, no luck. I've changed them just like this:
$song_path_complet = urlencode(MusColHelper::getSongFileURL($song)) ;
$song_path_complet = str_replace('%2F','/',$song_path_complet);
$song_path_complet = str_replace('%3A',':',$song_path_complet);
$song_path_complet = str_replace('+',' ',$song_path_complet);
and player still doesn't show. -
Accepted Answer
0@ Finwick,
This method only allows you to play files with UTF8 characters in their file path but doesn't solve the problem with player showing up (is that your problem?).
As far as I can tell this has to do with having jwplayer module or random/featured module enabled for MusCol. For that part I haven't found a solution yet. I'll dig around a bit to see if I can find a solution to that. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0For individual song the fix is different. You need to use another fix due to how jwplayer treats encoding
Download this file and unzip it under plugins/muscolplayer/. This will create a file called jwplayer_helper.php file.
Then go to jwplayer.php in the same directory and change line 127 to
s".$unique_id.".addParam('flashvars','file=" .utf8_jwstr($song->filename)."&duration=".$song->length . $string_params . "&autostart=false');
Basically utf8_jwstr function is an encoding function I wrote that handles jwplayer encoding. See if that works. [file name=jwplayer_helper.zip size=430]http://www.joomlamusicsolutions.com/images/fbfiles/files/jwplayer_helper.zip[/file] -
Accepted Answer
0I did exactly as you suggested but no I get a blank page when click on the song name.
I replaced line 127 with this : s".$unique_id.".addParam('flashvars','file=" .utf8_jwstr($song->filename)."&duration=".$song->length . $string_params . "&autostart=false');
And Jwplayer_help.php was copied into the plugin folder.
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