Suggestions for Next Release

I thought I would throw out a handful of suggestions for some common features I would love to see in MC that are available else where in other products, or other competitors websites. I do apologize that some of these have been stated and addressed before. These are just observations I have noticed from using many different programs and visiting your forums a few times a week.

General Recommendations

1. Some code optimization.

Some areas that would be greatly improved would be using standard php opening and closing instead of the short tags. By default the secured recommended php settings has short tags disabled. Having to enable them can cause issues with other programs, especially on web servers that support multiple scripting and programming languages other than just php.

Another area that could be improved is with the javascript/ajax. There seems to be quite a few users having compatibility issues when they have the random carousel player, or the flash players enabled.

Finally just adding minor bug fixes that have been reported and a work arounds found. Like the song tab fix integrated into the update.

2. Improved Joomla Integration, especially for search.

You have this great component built on a powerful CMS, joomla. It would be great to see it integrated a bit tighter into joomla. One feature that is missing is the ability to use the default joomla search with MC. I understand there is an optional add-on for Album search, but it would be really nice if there was also add-ons for Artist and Song searches.

Another feature that would be nice is to be able to use some of the default joomla text format tools. Mainly the ones there are found at the bottom of the joomla editor. Like the "Read more..." tool.

3. More structured Artist page.

You currently have a very detailed album page. A lot of nice information can be set there. It would be nice to see something like that for the artist page as well. Currently the artist page is fairly bare and does not contain very many fields. Some additional fields, like artist tags, similar artists, years active, etc, would be greatly appreciated for that page. Especially if they can be used as search modifiers like you have for the album page.

4. Tagging for Artists

This kind of goes with request 3. There really is very little focus on the artists. MC focuses very heavily on the albums which is nice. It would be helpful to have some of that power for the artists as well. As mentioned above, some artist info that would be nice, Country (you already have that), Genres, Years Active, and Artist Tags (a generic tag field that can be used for anything, similar to what you have on the albums page).

5. Better component support for Windows, especially for file paths.

One issue I run across frequently with MC, and have seen one or two others have problems with, is window's file paths. Linux file paths work great with the / slash, but not so well with the windows paths that use the \\ backslash. Some of the addons for MC along with some parts of discogs, only work by doing crazy things like using triple back slashes in the path. ie c:\\\\\\music\\\\\\cry. I created a post a while back on this, and have seen one or two other topics created since on it.

6. Improved discogs support.

Would be nice if the discog results are filtered. So if an artist is Queen, and the album is A Night at the Opera, it would only return results that have names like Queen in the artist AND album names like A Night at the Opera in the albums. Not sure if this is directly possible with the API as I have not looked into it, but should be likely at the very least by filtering the results returned.

7. Multiple Genre support

I love how you have the genres setup. The hierarchy system works great. The only downfall is you only allow one genre to be assigned to a given album. This is painful. Most albums I have require multiple genres to correctly identify them. Having to create new genres which are just a combo of multiple existing genres is not at all effective. It would be nice that instead of a drop down on the album creation page, you had a list field where one can hold down ctrl key, and select multiple genres for it. Keep the awesome hierarchy system, just add the ability to select more than one item in the list. This would be similar to the "Types" or "Tags" options under "Extra Information" that you have on the album creation page.
Responses (6)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, January 02 2011, 12:55 PM - #Permalink
    Just wondering if there has been any more work on some of these requests? Mainly the ability to store files outside of the web root. As well as linking to the files with a database reference instead of listing the full path. Including such things as authentication and sessions. This has to be the main thing that has kept my site from going live. The current way of having the files kept directly on the website and then listing exactly where they are is a big security risk that I can not afford to take.

    Another thing I am waiting patiently for is having the joomla search more integrated into MC. As well as multiple genre support. The hierarchy is great and all, but is far to limiting with a lot of albums that may span multiple genres. Would be really nice if it was more generic, tag based, instead of single genre.

    Would love to hear your feed back on these.

    Thank you.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 27 2010, 03:09 AM - #Permalink
    Is there a change log available to see all what was added in this latest version?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 27 2010, 02:59 AM - #Permalink
    Thanks for the update! I'll have to check out all the documentation this week and then see about updating my dev site.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 26 2010, 05:49 PM - #Permalink

    as you may know version 2.1 is out. we really considered this thread to add some things
    as you may know, we included some of them, and omitted, for now, some.
    for instance, secure music access, as it is the more complicated item, has been posponed for next upgrade, because most of the people was asking for "other" improvements before this one (like artist page structure)

    we did...:

    imporved playlist management, new alphabet bar, improved windows compatibility, and most important of all, re-structure artists page... along with LOTS of code improvements and small bug fixes. one of the big ideas for this upgrade package was precisely to avoid some of these anoying small bugs that some users suffered

    we did not (yet, but will come, I tell you!):
    secure music acces, multi-artist and multi-genre, updated featured albums module (based on mootools instead of JQuery)

    we'll keep working

    thanks for your help and your suggestions!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, September 19 2010, 12:17 PM - #Permalink
    awesome list!
    we are already working on some of theese :) and we'll consider all the points you mention if they are not on our list! :)

    thanks for great suggestions!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, September 19 2010, 02:38 AM - #Permalink
    Additional Suggestions

    8. Rework the alphabet bar.

    This particular area seems to cause users a lot of grief. It would be nice to find a way to rework it so that it is a bit more customizable on the back end and not so heavy on the css scripting. Maybe add a preference on the back end where one can re-size it, align it, and possibly even add additional characters.

    9. Update the Random and Feature module

    The auto configure feature added last was nice. It allowed one to easily adjust the module on horizontal view, when carousel mode is on. It would be nice to extend these features so it also works vertically, as well as both horizontal and vertically when carousel mode is off.

    10. Improved playlist management.

    The ability to have the playlist show up as a module, or even on the side of MC would be nice. With the ability to add and remove songs from it in real time, along with delete or save the playlist. I assume this would take some crafty coding, possibly using the jw player api to integrate it with the flash player.

    11. Multiple Artist support.

    Would be grand to have the ability to assign multiple artist to an album or track. I am not talking about various artist albums, but more so albums or songs that are collaborations. For example, instead of having an artist called "Queen and Paul Rodgers" as an artist for "The Cosmos Rocks", and creating yet a 3rd artist showing up, if one already had albums by those 2 artists, it would be nice for it to show up under both "Queen" and "Paul Rodgers" with both going to the same album page. That way it could be found under either artist. On the album page it would still show up the same, but both Queen, and Paul Rodgers, could be clicked on separately to take one to their respective artist page. These collaborations I find happen a lot. Very common in old Country albums (think Willie Nelson), as well as split albums which are fairly common for punk and sometimes metal. I find sites alike,, and use this type of system and it works very well. It seems a lot of the larger sites are moving to this type of display to add quicker results for their users.

    12. Secure Music Access.

    This one is a big one for myself as well as a lot of users. It would be nice to be able to keep the music outside of the web server root. As well as not displaying direct links to where they are stored. Most programs do this by scanning the file location of the songs and storing the location in the database. Then presenting the players with a coded location like One could even take this a step further by adding session Ids to the url. That way the user is always authenticated, and the sessions can expire, so that the paths are not always out there and active. For example, (The lack of this feature is why my site is not live yet and only in beta).


    These are just some of the observations I have made from my experiences, that of my users, and what I see on the forums here. I still have a list of about another 50 things I would love to see :laugh: , but they are a bit more specialized and wouldn't be of as much use to the general users base, so I will save them for another time, or send them to you as work bids for my own projects.

    Please give these suggestions some thought. I would love to see some of them implemented. Keep up the good work! MC rocks!!!!
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