Multiple Suggestions

I hope Germi could implement these in his component to make it even more powerful and easier to use.

Here are my suggestions:
- don't use php short open tag in coding cos some servers might not be set to support this and it is generally recommended not to use it.
- implement good practice coding by eliminating warnings like undefined variables i.e. by using isset or the other way round.
- add possibility to create songs and change song album in the <> navigation section
- multiple artists for a single song
- category of the songs like what if we want categorize songs into sections like Thai, English, etc.
- in the search list. when a song has only video and no mp3, we won't be able to play some songs cos the song without the link to mp3 is not registered in jwplayer playlist and therefore make the function play_song_position(n) point to the songs incorrectly and will play the wrong songs.
- no meta tag for a single song
- song pagination in album view (in fact I could fix it by myself but I would like it to be included automatically without touching any code when updating)

I wonder what version of Music collection you have used in your demo? I'm pretty sure that the version you use in your demo and in the official version that user could download are totally different. In you demo, everything seems to work flawlessly but when I download the latest official version to use and test, there are many issues like the missing coding line in some files.

Responses (5)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, January 31 2014, 05:07 PM - #Permalink
    oook my friend!
    you're absolutely right. It's actually not that part that breaks the view, but yes I can see the layout bug, it's my fault.. when I re-packed the latest versions I didn't include the right file.
    ok, it's now solved. I re-packed version 2.4.1 and the new correction is there

    many thanks for the heads up!!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, January 31 2014, 01:05 PM - #Permalink
    I've never mentioned that issue in another thread yet. Just in this thread i bring it in. Sorry that I may have made my point not clear enough. You could check in the file located com_muscol/views/playlist/tmpl/default.php. In that file, you forget to include conditional line as i mentioned above. Missing this "if clause" makes the default.php template file render the song list in the playlist view incorrectly. This is what I really mean. You could check it. In other template files, I see this conditional line present but only absent in com_muscol/views/playlist/tmpl/default.php. Thanks.
    • Germinal Camps
      more than a month ago
      oh, I think I know what you mean now. so, have you tried this "fix" yourself? it shows OK with the new IF sentence?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 30 2014, 04:13 PM - #Permalink

    1. oh, ok, I understand, you mean selecting the album "later". gotcha! will think about that, thanks!

    about your version observation: our version in the demo was originally 2.3.1, but since our latest upgrade to 2.4.0, we upgraded it too, MANUALLY, so the new features are actually there. I don't know if you understand what I mean. about the playlist song types, that little bug you spotted was added to eh 2.4.1 release and it's not available to all.. isn't that what you meant?

    however the other issue you're mentioning, did you mention this before? I can't seem to remember.. it breaks the view? where?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 30 2014, 01:22 PM - #Permalink
    Thanks for your quick reply. I know you have been working hard with it. Really appreciate it.

    No, it's not about creating songs without album. We can go to create a song first and then select the correct album later. In your component, we could only add songs in the album menu. It would be great if we have more choice like this.

    No it's not same. Your demo uses 2.3.1 but in the download section the actual version is the latest version which is 2.4.1. I mean like this. Your demo uses different version of the official download. Therefore, some files of version 2.4.1 miss some lines as i raised in my previous thread about the saved playlist song types. But in your demo, it actually works. In your demo, album.css is loaded in playlist view but in version 2.4.x you forget to load that file and in a file located in com_muscol/views/playlist/tmpl/default.php there are some conditional line missing below:
    if($play_button_end) {

    This make the playlist song page breaks its view. Thanks.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 30 2014, 11:44 AM - #Permalink

    first of, thanks for taking the time to write down your suggestions!
    just a few comments:

    - short open tag dependancy is almost eliminated on our current version. we will rebuild it to avoid it completely.
    - we also spend a good amount of time avoiding warnings, but if there are still some, we will work on that too.
    - creating songs: you mean "without album"?
    - search list songs: I will take a look at this, it looks like a little bug.

    the version we use in our demo is 2.3.1 (well, we have manually added some of the features of 2.4 too, partially)

    I'm a bit confused by your comment.. the versions are the same! what you mean "missing coding line in some files" ?
    the version on our demo is the same as the official version, we may have only some CSS adjustments to adapt it better to our template, that's all..
    the code is the same!
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