Default Playlist

It would be great if muscol could revert to a default playlist if it detects that the On-the-go playlist is empty. Even if this playlist is nothing more than a single simple graphic. That way the jw player module wouldn't have that ugly message, "Task Queue failed at step 5 Playlist oculd not be loaded XML could no be parsed or playlist was empty".

Then once someone does add a song it could fail back over to the on-the-go playlist and use what the user is adding. This way there is never the warning on the player that appears as an error to the end user.

Either that or just set a default image to the player's playlist that gets overwritten by the first item the end user adds to their playlist. Anything that would get rid of the message. As you or myself or any of the MC customers might know what it means, it can still be scary and look unprofessional to one of our end users or clients who just see the big warning message.
Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, June 09 2011, 08:11 PM - #Permalink
    Germi, I've been looking for your response on the view.html.php file...sent you an email
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, June 09 2011, 05:05 PM - #Permalink
    it's true.

    we'll improve this.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, June 09 2011, 03:49 PM - #Permalink
    You are right it looks so damn ugly & unprofessional when you see that error message. I posted a similar question sometime back, but Germi don't think its a big deal.

    Here is the thread to that post:

    Here is another problem I found.
    If you ad a Playlist (not a song) to the player, the message "Your player is empty" is still showing.
    I test this on MC demo site & found it does the same. So I'm assuming others might have this problem. Since there no picture associated with a "playlist" player just look empty, plus with the message one would think something is wrong.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, May 28 2011, 12:46 AM - #Permalink

    I have seen posts on the forums here on how to make a default playlist. I am assuming I can do this to get rid of the ugly error message on the jw player module. The problem is that when a person adds songs to the playlist, they would be doing it to the on the go playlist, and not my temporary default playlist. How can I make it so that when a player adds a song to the playlist, it will automatically switch over to the active on the go playlist and not the temporary default one? Or do you have any other suggestions or solutions on how to keep this warning from appearing in the player window?
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