upload my music collection

jorge polo
jorge polo
I want to buy your component to share my music with my friends (only registered friends), but my collection is 15000 songs (82GB). Does the rise of the songs is automatic? Is the information of the song picks up the system in the database? What about covers?
Is it like climbing songs on my Itunes? A component is needed for this?
Is it legal for my friends to download songs?

Thanks for your help
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, December 05 2011, 06:07 PM - #Permalink

    sorry, no, there's no automatic reading as you want. I mean there is a scan feature for albums, but it's album per album, it won't be useful to you probably.

    with such a big library, the only real way to do this would be to write a custom script only for you to import all the data from an XML export from iTunes... but that's quite a big job!

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