Search artists

Hi again

The search plugin supports only search in albums and songs. Is it possible to search also the artists?

I notice also that, in your demo site, if I search an album with the artist name it brings all the albums of the artist. Does it searches in the keywords of the album (keyword = artist name + album name)?

Can you please tell me which fields are searchable or is it only the keywords?

My problem is that more than 90% of my database is imported to Muscol db from my old site so ... there are no keywords :-(

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, September 21 2009, 02:29 PM - #Permalink
    it searches on keywords (only), thats it, exploding them on each " " character (blank space). that means that if you type

    lennon john

    it will return all the albums that have both "john" and "lennon" on their keywords

    you can do two things, depending on you knowledge on PHP and MySQL:

    write a small script that makes the keywords of you albums be the addition of the album name and the artist name (beginning and ending with a blanckspace " ")

    or change the mysql query to make them search on album name, not on keywords (I really DONT recommend this)
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