The module "random and featured albums" is not working on my Joomla 1.6 installation...
The module configuration is the following:

Load JQuery library YES
Use carousel YES
Automatic CSS YES
How many albums to show at a time 10
Working mode RANDOM
The FEATURED album IDs -
Number of RANDOM albums 10
Itemid -
Orientation HORIZONTAL
Scroll 10
Auto scroll 1
Animation FAST
Circular YES
Thumbnail width 80
Show artist name YES
Show album name NO
Show year NO
Show rating NO
Artist ID -
Genre ID -
Format ID -
Module Class Suffix -

I also tried to enable or disable the loading of JQuery library...

The "Top viewed artists" tag cloud display only text without the sphere effect. Is this second issue related to the first?

If you want to take a look to the site this is the link:

Please, help me I'm crying! :( :lol:
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