Playlists and JWPlayer

Hi Germi - I am having some playlist malfunctions:

1. When I add items to the on-the-go and save a playlist:
- I get rerouted to the homepage
- when i get back to the playlist page, it did not purge the songs out of on-the-go but did save the new list. I have to exit browser to get them to purge (Firefox).

2. Can the add buttons be deactivated on the "playlist pages themselves to avoid confusion of adding something that's already added?

3. Anyway to swap out the "set-playlist button with a toggle/radio button? There is no way to tell which set is active.

4. How do I get rid of the watermark? Do I need to license it through Longtail video?

5. How can I split the playlist page into 2:
- my playlists
- shared playlists
My site relies heavily on the playlist feature.

6. Anyway to have a pop-up or visual confirmation when a song has been added to a playlist " song name has been added to you playlist "playlist name"?

I can get you a log-in...
Many Thanks
Responses (7)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, March 21 2012, 04:44 PM - #Permalink
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, March 21 2012, 04:43 PM - #Permalink
    Is that in the muscol_players/jwplayer/jwplayer/player.swf?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, February 23 2012, 01:03 PM - #Permalink
    4. To get rid of the jw player watermark, buy the licensed version of the jwplayer from the longtailvideo website. Then just copy and replace the swf player files over the MC ones. I did this on my live site and it worked with no problems.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, February 22 2012, 05:44 PM - #Permalink
    yes you can send me login at and also expose there your customization ideas/needs!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, February 22 2012, 05:39 PM - #Permalink
    Thanks for getting back. I have a partner who is handling the tech side now (I'm the design brain) and he can talk through what we are wanting to do. We are at the point where we need customizing in order to get the playlists tweeked. Is there a way to send you a login privately to see what we're doing. It is a bit out of the ordinary for music content?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, February 22 2012, 05:31 PM - #Permalink

    1. well.. it's not supposed to purgue actually. you just "save" the playlist but item on the go still there.. what is weird is that you get redirected to the homepage... any messages show up?
    2. well it's a global paramter (on the plugin) so, no... they can't unless you modify some PHP code on the plugin
    3. you mean to "mark" which is the current one? there's indeed no way.. but it's a good thing to add
    4. what watermark? are you using the latest vesion of the plugin we offer?
    5. I see.. well, again, you can't without some custom coding...
    6. same... not possible out of the box but it's something we could add through custom coding...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, February 22 2012, 05:15 PM - #Permalink
    Germi - can you please help. I'm at a stand-still with the playlist mal-functions. uuugg.
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