1. I love the way the playlist player on the demo site has instructions for adding songs to a playlist. How can I replicate that?

2. if an album/artist is added without an image, can a default be specified? How?

Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, February 07 2014, 11:17 AM - #Permalink
    1. we added that directly on the file /modules/mod_muscol_jwplayer/tmpl/default.php
    2. a small code tweak would be necessary for that...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, February 07 2014, 11:32 PM - #Permalink
    1. Okay - I added this to default.php, and it now works conditionally only if playlist is empty
    $session = &JSession::getInstance('','');
    $playlist_id = $session->get('current_playlist') ; // the playlist is an array
    if($playlist_id == 0) echo '<p class="muted">Click on the <i class="fa fa-lg fa-plus-circle"></i> button next to any song, audio file or video to start adding selections into this player</p>';
    echo $module_jwplayer;

    However, still having a problem. If I load a playlist, then go back to homepage, the jwplayer module is empty again, but loads the playlist on popup?

    Also, if i close the popup window with the taskbar x, you have to click restore on the page to get it back. Any way to make the x restore, or to simply hide the popup task bar x?

    2. Can you give me a code tweak hint for the default image ;)

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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, February 08 2014, 11:28 AM - #Permalink
    1. in our case it was not conditional.. it's always there. also your conditional "playlist_id == 0" won't work because 0 is a valid playlist id.. you should in any case check if the playlist is empty instead..
    sorry, the x does not restore...

    2. well I would go to file /helpers/helpers.php and find the function createThumbnail (about line 333) and start with something like :

    if (!$file) $file = ""default.png";

    and of course, you must have a file called default.png on your albums folder ;)
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