I am having trouble setting any modules in side position on the main Music page. They appear fine elsewhere on the website but not on the music page. I am trying to mimic the demo with have random albums, jw player and these modules to the side of the main page. What could be the problem? Please advice.

(link to page: http://lfandev.com/hymns-library)
Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, May 26 2015, 05:22 PM - #Permalink
    I sent you an email with ftp and joomla access
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, May 26 2015, 10:03 AM - #Permalink

    2- the tagcloud in Flash has problems with arabic characters, I think that's the problem. unfortunately you won't be able to use this particular module in the tagcloud mode.

    3- I don't know why the player is not working. can you send me joomla and FTP access at support@ joomlathat.com ?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, May 25 2015, 04:25 PM - #Permalink
    The main music page is: http://lfandev.com/hymns-library . The modules that do not show up are it to the left are:
    1- JW Player MODULE for Music Collection
    2- Top viewed artists - it comes up but empty maybe due to RTL conflict (same as the carousel idea)
    3- Album - to show recently added although I have the same module in an unused position that i load from music options showing random albums

    All these modules load fine on the playlist page: http://lfandev.com/playlist . But i do get an error for this playlist page: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/lfannew/public_html/components/com_muscol/models/playlists.php on line 122 . For our website, we will only have on-the-go playlists. If we do create other playlists, it will be done from inside the admin backend, but I could not see a button to add a new one from backend.

    Lastly, JW Player module is not working. How can I set it up as demo?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, May 25 2015, 09:56 AM - #Permalink
    which are the modules that fail?
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