Custom Browser title

I am trying to get the MC pages to match the titles of the rest of my site. All the titles show up on all my pages as "Site name - Page name" all, but MC, which only shows up as "Page name" How can I get MC to use the same Title naming convention for the html title tag that the rest of my site and joomla uses? I went into the menu items of each of the MC menu items I made. I then went under Page Display Options, and put my site title in the Browser Page Title field, but nothing happens.

Any ideas how to get MC to follow the html title tag naming convention that the rest of joomla is using? I really want all my browser tabs to show the SiteName - PageTitle in them and be consistent all the way across the website.
Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 21 2011, 10:19 AM - #Permalink
    it stranges me indeed. MC should be respecting that (the title "before" or "after") there is no specific code to "kill" this...

    on the view.html.php pages, search for this:


    you will see things like album name, artist name, etc. you can just add the site title...!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 21 2011, 12:54 AM - #Permalink
    where would i hard code the title into MC?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, September 20 2011, 12:42 AM - #Permalink
    Nope, I am just using the default SEF/SEO that comes with joomla 1.7. All my other pages and modules work just fine. They honor the joomla 1.7 setting "Include Site Name in Page Titles" when I have it set to "Before", under the SEO settings section within the Global Configuration area.

    MC is the only module that I am currently using that does not honor the joomla 1.7 global configuration settings. How can we get MC so that it uses the global settings for joomla? MC should really use the site settings so that it only shows or does not show depending on what the joomla configuration is set to. Or at the very least, do what a few modules have done and allow one to put in the browser title text in the modules configuration.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, September 19 2011, 02:26 PM - #Permalink
    hm.. are you using any SEF engine (third party)?
    the only way I can think is going directly to each view.html.php file and add the "site name" where every page name is set...
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