how to add music?

How does one add music to the Music Collection? Under albums the only thing I see is a place to add album zips. Does one have to zip up all their albums inorder to add them to this software? If so that is going to kill my file server resources to have to have a copy of non zipped files for local use and zipped files for this program.
Responses (9)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, January 03 2010, 10:47 AM - #Permalink
    no, no

    there's a tab called SONGS. dont you see it? add songs there, then save, then enter the album again an next to each song you'll see an EDIT button, press it to enter song's form to add the files.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 07 2010, 09:46 AM - #Permalink
    Oh, sorry, I see it now. It only shows up in the album view, and only once an album has been created first, saved, and then gone back into.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 07 2010, 09:40 AM - #Permalink
    Nope, I am not seeing that tab. Where should it be? If I log into the admin, and then click on the Components drop down, and then Music Collection, it takes me to an Album Manager page. On this page there are the following tabs under the Album Manager heading: Albums, Artists, Formats, Genres, Types, Tags, Comments, Ratings.

    Is there any setting that needs to be done first to show the songs tab?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 07 2010, 10:51 AM - #Permalink
    I found where I can add songs, but I am unable to get the songs to play. I get a 404 page. My web server and file server are separate servers. My file server is all organized by alpha, artist, album, and song. Under the Song details in the file field I point it to the song. For example \\\\FileServer\\A\\Artist\\Album\\SongTitle.mp3

    Is there a way to get the Music Collection software to be able to play my music without having to move all the songs around?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 07 2010, 05:46 PM - #Permalink

    first of all, go to MC parameters, and set the base URL for your files server on "songs server" parameter.

    it has to be an URL, not a filepath (e.g.:

    then just write on the song: A/Artist/Album/SongTitle.mp3

    (be careful with the "/". it's "/", not "\", because we are not talking about filesystem paths but URLs!) :)

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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, January 08 2010, 03:18 AM - #Permalink
    Not sure how that would work. The file server is on the same local network as my web server. It is a dedicated file server and doesn't have a web server on it, that is what the web server is for, so doesn't have an http or www url type address. Typicall with other web apps I just give the apache web service access to a file share and point the server to access the files via UNC paths. I could always map it I guess, so give it a drive letter like, M:, but that would require me to always be logged into the web server which isn't the most ideal solution either.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, January 08 2010, 04:13 PM - #Permalink
    hmm... honestly I'm not sure if this can work...
    I mean, I dont know if JW Player needs and URL to play music, or it works also with a filesystem path...

    you can TRY: write the file server path on the "songs server" param (eg: \\fileserver\\folder\\folder2)
    and then write the path to one file into a song, and then just try to play it...

    dont know if this is gonna work..:S
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 21 2010, 02:55 AM - #Permalink
    Sorry I haven't had time to look work on my install lately. I'm a little slow on the replying here.

    I am a little confused. Are the exact paths of the files listed in the playlist? Typically I wouldn't list the songs in my playlist like \\\\music\\song.mp3 or c:\\music\\song.mp3. Most programs that stream music seem to store the paths of the songs in the database. That way they can then call the songs through a web address like "http://www.webserver/song?id=2" or something. They then can use authentication to restrict access. Does this program not do that?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 21 2010, 03:47 PM - #Permalink
    no, Music Collection does not do that. but this can be a good thing to add on future versions.
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