Hi Guys
I took the latest update, as I have just recently had to upgrade my Joomla (2.5.14)
anyways everything seems to have upgraded correctly, except for the order totals and line items
, however the contact and payment data has been retained

how do i go about fixing this?

thank you in advance

Accepted Answer

Wednesday, August 07 2013, 12:33 PM - #Permalink
Hi Germinal
I ran the patch and everything is good. except for the tax I charged on all invoices, is showing as empty
the tax shows as though it was applied, however the tax total is 0 on all invoices

to fix this I had to edit the tax, in the tax manager and apply a 'tax group' to it... now it works

PS I love the new graphical interface - great work
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Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, August 07 2013, 09:10 AM - #Permalink

    did you follow these instructions? http://www.joomlathat.com/documentation/invoice-manager/upgrading-from-1-1-0-to-1-2-0

    if you open an invoice, the items are still there?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, August 07 2013, 12:35 PM - #Permalink
    yes, sorry I forgot to mention it. you need to go into the tax and select the "group" (as 1, for instance), that's all.

    good job :)

    thanks for your kind words!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, August 07 2013, 12:57 PM - #Permalink
    One last thing

    how do I remove the 'powered by' at the bottom of the user invoice page

    I do not remember this from before...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, August 07 2013, 01:00 PM - #Permalink
    This "powered by" will be there always in the Standard version (you need the Professional version to not have the link, that's exactly the difference between the two versions..)
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