PayPal tried to return, but it came up a 404 component not found.
Here is the url from the source page:
I was wondering if everything was properly formed...as in...does paypal need to see JUST an ampersand or %26 instead...and I tried all of those things.
we're close!
Here is the url from the source page:
I was wondering if everything was properly formed...as in...does paypal need to see JUST an ampersand or %26 instead...and I tried all of those things.
we're close!
Accepted Answer
OK, that was easy.
I used the plugin from the "My Downloads" instead of the generic "Downloads" area...I'll let you handle that follow up.
After the payment, I looked in the back end...payment was updated.
When I clicked the "return to ..." after the paypal payment...it went back and said "Payment Completed".
So, I'm good. Who knew there was more than one version online?...things happen. The dates are a couple of days off, but when you unzip them, the better ones includes an index.html while the other doesn't...and honestly I didn't go through byte-for-byte because it worked.
Here is my IPN url in case anyone (or me) has this question ever again.
I can mark this one as solved.
Now I'll try to figure out how to import data instead of single-manual entry...I'll probably go straight to the mySQL tables...I am not expecting support in that area. And...wondering why in every "online" invoice the images are no problem, but not in the PDF...and when you look at the image path that it says it can't find...it's fine. May examine dompdf a little. But the big issue is SOLVED.
Have a great day,
I used the plugin from the "My Downloads" instead of the generic "Downloads" area...I'll let you handle that follow up.
After the payment, I looked in the back end...payment was updated.
When I clicked the "return to ..." after the paypal payment...it went back and said "Payment Completed".
So, I'm good. Who knew there was more than one version online?...things happen. The dates are a couple of days off, but when you unzip them, the better ones includes an index.html while the other doesn't...and honestly I didn't go through byte-for-byte because it worked.
Here is my IPN url in case anyone (or me) has this question ever again.
I can mark this one as solved.
Now I'll try to figure out how to import data instead of single-manual entry...I'll probably go straight to the mySQL tables...I am not expecting support in that area. And...wondering why in every "online" invoice the images are no problem, but not in the PDF...and when you look at the image path that it says it can't find...it's fine. May examine dompdf a little. But the big issue is SOLVED.
Have a great day,
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoAll the latest versions we have are in the private Downloads area. In any case, to avoid confusions, I'm going to immediatelly update the other plugin to the latest version as well, to avoid having the same issue you saw :)
about the images in PDF: make sure that you use absolute paths to the images, not relative, because otherwise they won't appear correctly in the PDF. no need to mess with the dompdf files, just make the image path absolute, that's all :)
Responses (10)
Accepted Answer
0actually, now that I look at it, perhaps it's missing an ampersand before "task"...let me try that-
clr550thatmore than a month agogetting closer for sure...the ampersand before "task" helped...something is still a little off...but NOT a 404 is definitely better
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Accepted Answer
0404 is gone, so the obvious bug is fixed, but it continues to say "Payment Process Not Completed".
Either something else is odd, or because I did the bank transfer and it is delayed...perhaps I don't mark it completed until it really "clears the bank"? I guess to test that I need to try with a CC.
I hope this dialog with myself helps SOMEONE in the future.
550hosting.com -
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Accepted Answer
0OK, I did update the PayPal / Profile / My Selling Tools -> "Instant Payment Notifications" to Enabled. I put the notify_url (already being sent to PayPal from invoices paypal button...but they require you put one so I put that one. Pretty much the same result, but no payments or invoices are being updated. I see in the dump of the IPN message they are returning the invoice number in the item_number name-value pair.
I'll keep researching, but any help is appreciated.
Chris -
Accepted Answer
wow so many posts
1. Yes, the payment status should be automatically updated when the system receives the confirmation IPN from PayPal. so, if you have this enabled on your paypal account.. it should just work, out of the box.
2. the ampersand before "task" that was missing.. that is really strange. yes, it has to be there of course.. but I'm surprised because our plugin already has it! maybe you took it off without realising it at some point?
3. another question: are you using PayPal's sandbox? or "live" paypal? sandbox will always return a "not completed" status (for security reasons), so if you want to make real tests, use the real paypal (maybe jus try to make a 0,1 $ payment or something)
if you still have issues, just let me know and I'll try to see what's going on if you can provide me access...! -
Accepted Answer
0IPN is now enabled, but expects a url...which url goes there? I am trying the notification URL I could glean from the page source...even though it's redundant because it's being passed.
I am using all 2.5 versions, and I only cracked open the code to address the ampersand issue.
I was using live payments every time.
So, I still have issues.
Sorry for so many posts, but if I can do things to answer my own questions and move us along quicker (and potentially help others in the future), great. I'll sit tight for now. But I may compare source from the paypal 2.5 plugins from MY Downloads versus the generic downloads area and see if they are byte for byte the same. still need to know the preferred ipn url.
thank you -
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