this is great with new invoice manager Stripe etc and "Customers now can accept or reject Quotes from the frontend." Where can I find more info about this feature? I would like to set up Quotes categories where users can post Quotes and have pre paid credits to be able to view them. Like using AlphaUserPoints and also EasySocial to this solution. What you think would that be possible? http://uk.servicestart.com/ http://uk.servicestart.com/showFAQ.do
this is great with new invoice manager Stripe etc and "Customers now can accept or reject Quotes from the frontend." Where can I find more info about this feature? I would like to set up Quotes categories where users can post Quotes and have pre paid credits to be able to view them. Like using AlphaUserPoints and also EasySocial to this solution. What you think would that be possible? http://uk.servicestart.com/ http://uk.servicestart.com/showFAQ.do
Responses (7)
Accepted Answer
0you can read more here: http://www.joomlathat.com/invoice-manager/quotes
but no, there's no option so users can pre-pay with alphauserpoints or similar, sorry. This would require custom coding work. -
Accepted Answer
0Ok thanks for answer.. I also pointed out that you support Stripe now to Holly the support guy and that these carts should be under the Joomla flag https://stripe.com/docs/libraries AceShop by SellXed. MijoShop by SellXed.
Also see that there is an Invoice manager that have support for Stripe.
would be great to have a affiliate and quote Invoice manager solution like that though! -
Accepted Answer
0I dont understand your post.
"I also pointed out that you support Stripe now to Holly the support guy and that these carts should be under the Joomla flag https://stripe.com/docs/libraries AceShop by SellXed. MijoShop by SellXed."
this sentence doesn't even make sense... -
Accepted Answer
0So this is not true?
Stripe payments for Invoice Manager released
on 27 July 2015. Posted in Invoice Manager
We are happy to announce the release of Stripe payments for Invoice Manager.
With it, your users will be able to pay their payments with credit card through the Stripe system.
You can read more about this here. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0yes it's true that we support, what I'm saying is that I literally don't understand your sentence.
I don't understand this " now to Holly the support guy and that these carts should be under the Joomla flag"
I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what those e-commerce carts have to do with this conversation or who is Holly or anything like that. Don't take this the wrong way but I literally have no idea what you're talking about. -
Accepted Answer
0"now to Holly the support guy and that these carts should be under the Joomla flag"
Holly is the support guy at Stripe and I help Stripe (Holly) to set up the Joomla carts like Mijoshop, Aceshop that is now under "general" to be under the Joomla heading instead and also promote that Invoice manager support Stripe now so you can be under their official list of supported Joomla software there.
So people can find and see Joomla offers regarding carts and invoice solutions..Hope that make sense?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agook, so.. there was no question here? I though you were asking a question for me to answer..! :)
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