After ordering from HikaShop, the triggered invoice (generated by Invoice-Manager) holds an important error in the ITEMS areas. The {desc} token expands to the same text as the {name} token, i.e. it expands to the "Name" content of the current item product in HikaShop, while it should expand to the "Description" text field of this product.
Is there a solution to resolve this issue ?
Notice however that when generating manually an invoice from Invoice Manager, and when we use HikaShop products in the items, the {desc} token is well expanded in this case.

Accepted Answer

Tuesday, August 28 2018, 02:56 PM - #Permalink
This problem is fixed now
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Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, August 27 2018, 02:43 PM - #Permalink
    Thanks to spend time about this subject.
    My website is hosted locally. By default, and for security reason, i don't expose any acces to the backend from outside.
    All the installation processes of HikaShop and Invoice-Manager were done in conformance with the specifications.
    There's no need to search for debugging a particular anomanly in my website, the probability this would be the reason for that particular issue when evaluating the {desc} token is just null.
    My intention is simply to report an anomaly (even if it is not considered a big one) so that everyone can benefit from its correction.
    I know it's not easy and I'm grateful to you for dealing with this problem
    Here is what i have noticed about the API and the database structure of HikaShop:

    • table "xxxx_hikashop_product" have a "product_description" column
    • table "xxxx_hikashop_order_product" dooes not possess such a "product_description" or "order_product_description" column

    Here is what i suppose by observing the behaviour of the data exchange between HikaShop and Invoice-Manager:

    • I imagine that when we create an invoice manually, Invoice-Manager searches for the parameters in the "xxxx_hikashop_product" table (using of course the Hikashop API). And i imagine that this is the reason why the {desc} token is assigned an existing information (in this case it would be assigned the "product_description" parameter (extractable from table "xxxx_hikashop_product") .
    • I imagine also that when an invoice is triggered from an order passed from HikaShop, the plugin responding to the event, in charge of transmitting the parameters of the product item towards Invoice-Manager will try to assign to the {desc} token a missing "product_description" or "order_product_description" from the "xxxx_hikashop_order_product". This information is not provided directly as is by HikaShop in this table, but, because the "product_id" is known, it would be possible to re-interrogate automatically the HikaShop API (the "xxxx_hikashop_product") to extract finally the "product_description" parameter matching the "product_id" of the current product item.

    For that time, i simply can not use the {desc} token in the invoices product item areas. This is a serious limitation for me, because i sell services and their description should be embedded in the product item listed in the invoices.
    So, I hope this will be fixed as soon as possible
    Thanks Germinal
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, August 27 2018, 11:43 AM - #Permalink

    can you send me joomla admin and FTP access to your site so I can take a look?
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