Outstaning amount code

Hi there,
I want to show my customers there outstanding amount in a module or article or something.
Can you help me? Please tell me how I can do this or give me a code wich I can use.
Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, May 09 2022, 11:27 PM - #Permalink
    My solution, a one-liner :-) See image attached.

    The fix! Go edit the file --> /components/com_invoices/views/invoice/tmpl/default.php at about line 363: $amount_outstanding = $total - $subtotal_payments;
    Then whenever there is a pending payment manually entered or not the outstanding amount will at least correctly show the invoice amount minus the payments made.
    I hope this help :-)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, May 06 2022, 11:00 AM - #Permalink
    I would love to see the "Outstanding" amount on the finances page. See image. Can you please bring it into your next version. What coding do I need to do on what page in the meantime? What will it cost me to have it done?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, October 31 2014, 11:37 AM - #Permalink
    we don't have such module, it should be customly programmed
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