invoices are not showing on the frondend

I have installed and added multiple test records. I can see and edit these records on the backend but I do not see any of them on the front end. What am I missing?

Accepted Answer

Tuesday, April 08 2014, 03:29 PM - #Permalink
they will see theirs if the invoice is linked to the joomla user.. do you know what I mean?

I don't understand your first sentence.
please tell me this: when you go on the backend, on invoices page, what do you see on the column "joomla user" ?
  • Street454
    more than a month ago
    I see my name so it is linked to me - when I go to the email that was sent, I click on the pay now and am sent to my Joomla Intranet sight and it tells me There are no payment options available.
  • Germinal Camps
    more than a month ago
    this means that you are not logged in when viewing that page on the frontend... that's all..
  • Street454
    more than a month ago
    Yes, I clicked login and now I have my paypal button and a comment to pay by check. So that is OK. As a super admin tho, should I be able to see the invoice list on the front end?
  • Germinal Camps
    more than a month ago
    no, only the "owner" of the invoice will be able to see it in the frontend.
  • Street454
    more than a month ago
    OK, so I will set up a couple of invoices using emails that do not have access to my internal intranet to continue my testing. Thank You for the very quick responses to my questions!
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Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, April 08 2014, 03:27 PM - #Permalink
    When I go to the contact page, I have an invoice that is in my name and it shows that it is linked to me...

    For the frontend, is this supposed to be for my customers only? So I send the invoice to "" and they can then click on something that takes them to the frondend and they see it there? and they only see theirs?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, April 08 2014, 03:17 PM - #Permalink
    You need to link the CONTACT (to which the invoice is binded) to a joomla user, in the contact page, to be able to see the invoice in the frontend, being logged in as this user.
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