I would like to integrate my own custom cart component with the Invoices... I can't find some code example.
So aftter order to add an unpaid invoice to your component and redirect them to payment gateway list
Also I would like to know if it's possible to add (extend) my own payment gateways like Eurobank Greece
So aftter order to add an unpaid invoice to your component and redirect them to payment gateway list
Also I would like to know if it's possible to add (extend) my own payment gateways like Eurobank Greece
Responses (14)
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0Please focus on my example
I have an unpaid invoice, if status of invoice turned to "paid" (or to other status) for example when paypal notifies back the component and sets the invoice to paid or EVEN manually marked as paid, it should fire an event! That's all because I need to know that.
In other words, if you look on line 103 of paypali plugin
should fire a NEW event
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
$results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'oninvoicestatuschange', array( &$payment,$this->_payment_type) );
All that I'm asking is to fire the new even ON INVOICE STATUS CHANGE (via notify or manual). I don't want to add it myself because everytime is need to apply the changes. -
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0I understand what you said but in this way I can't catch the "statusChange" because for example Paypal will change the invoice from Pending to Paid in the Invoice Manager. This event should be fired inside the payment " function update_payment($payment)" plugin.
My component only sumbits a form that creates the invoice to your component firing a custom plugin event fraudvoiceNeworder()
function update_payment($payment){
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
$results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'oninvoicestatuschange', array( &$payment) );
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = ' UPDATE #__invoices_payments SET '.
' payment_type = "'.$payment->payment_type.'", '.
' payment_datetime = NOW(), '.
' payment_details = "'.$payment->payment_details.'", '.
' payment_status = '.$payment->payment_status.' '.
' WHERE id = '.$payment->id .
' LIMIT 1 ';
Do you understand? -
Accepted Answer
0There's no event on this, you will have to "create" it. What I mean is that you need to define this trigger in your component, and then just add this function into the new plugin you're writing for Invoice Manager. do you know what i mean?
Our component does not check EU VAT ID validity at any point. if you want this, it needs to be created as well.. -
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0I'm using your component to create unpaid invoice, if are paid via any gateway and status changes from unpaid to paid THEN (only then) it will get the next Real Invoice number, so I'm trying to trigger the event statusChange to able to update the sequence invoice number but I can't find any event on this. Please help!
Second question is about EU transactions. I should add extra code for the the VAT ID vadility if your component it checks uppon invoice creation? -
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0Yes in case that I will buy the first plan http://www.joomlathat.com/store/invoice-manager/3-0 I don't have the files to check it. Also I as understand there is not specific documentation. Can you send me after payment an example of integration plugin? -
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