For instance is Mijoshop which I use supported, I would also be very interested in your invoicing and expense programs if they interface with Mijoshop?
Responses (5)
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Accepted Answer
0Well based on that and the great rap you got from Peter of Joomla Beat my order will be in shortly, put my money where my mouth is as they say-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agofantastic! :)
Accepted Answer
0Hey guys ... wanting to use this on a site that does use Mijoshop ... so will this log all admin activity for Mijoshop yet - or still waiting for that functionality?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agomijoshop will be soon suported, but not all admin acivity will be logged (it will be for graphics mainly, you know, purchases, revenue, profit, etc)
Accepted Answer
0Another question, is Hikashop fully supported as yet?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoit will be, very soon, along with mijoshop. we're preparing the new version!
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germinal,
Thanks for fast reply .... but ....
There are already plenty of extensions/plugins out there for eCommerce that shows pretty graphs and such (most of which don't really mean very much). I'm not sure having this as part of your extension makes much sense.
Your extension should log administrator activities - who changed the price on this product, who uploaded these videos on this product, who applied a discount coupon to this category, who changed the payment plugin configuration, who installed this shipping option, etc....
Getting sales data and such is well covered with the other extensions already ... and should be in peoples accounting/inventory software.
Having the tracking functionality I've listed above is what would add the most value to your product ... pretty graphs of sales I think are next to useless in the real world.
If you could please let me know your thoughts it would be greatly appreciated.-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoyes having some backend tracking is definitely interesting. not everything you describe can be tracked (like, maybe you can't know what was edited on a product, but at least you can know that something was edited). will definitely consider it. thanks!
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