I'm trying to show the top read articles for one Zoo category only.
I have selected the following settings in the module:
Content provider: com_zoo
Content criteria: Top viewed articles
Selector: SPECIFIC category and children categores ARTICLES (fill the next field with the correct category ID)
Specific ID filter: Since zoo do not clearly list their category IDs, I contacted them and was advised I should use the ID in the URL as a I hover over a category, in this case 368.
...Set all other settings as required....
But oddly, the module is showing articles from a different category. So either YooTheme have given me the wrong method for locating the correct category ID in Zoo, are the Content Stats is not mapping correctly.
Can you please advise? If there's another way I can locate the correct ID for Zoo categories please let me know! (I assume since you have a plugin for Zoo that it should be fully integrated).
Many thanks!
I'm trying to show the top read articles for one Zoo category only.
I have selected the following settings in the module:
Content provider: com_zoo
Content criteria: Top viewed articles
Selector: SPECIFIC category and children categores ARTICLES (fill the next field with the correct category ID)
Specific ID filter: Since zoo do not clearly list their category IDs, I contacted them and was advised I should use the ID in the URL as a I hover over a category, in this case 368.
...Set all other settings as required....
But oddly, the module is showing articles from a different category. So either YooTheme have given me the wrong method for locating the correct category ID in Zoo, are the Content Stats is not mapping correctly.
Can you please advise? If there's another way I can locate the correct ID for Zoo categories please let me know! (I assume since you have a plugin for Zoo that it should be fully integrated).
Many thanks!
Responses (13)
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Accepted Answer
0...I spoke too soon. I changed the number of items to show and some articles have appeared that are from a different category (with a different category number). So it's picking up some articles from the correct category but also some from a different one! Please help! Many thanks-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agothat's weird... can you please send me access to the website at support@ joomlathat.com so I can take a look?
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Accepted Answer
0Hi again. So mysteriously the above circumstances are now showing correctly (i.e. only articles from the correct category ID are showing when 'Top Viewed Articles' is selected at Content Criteria and 'SPECIFIC category and children category ARTICLES' is selected at Selector). Perhaps the updated plugin did work and my system was caching! Thank you for that.
However, I'm still experiencing problems with some of the other zoo stats.
1. I'd like to show top viewed subcategories of a particular zoo category (separate from the top viewed articles within categories as above). Again, the filtering doesn't seem to be working correctly (I'm being shown categories from across zoo rather than just subcategories of one particular category). These are the options I've selected:
Content provider: com_zoo
Content criteria: Top viewed categories
Selector: SPECIFIC category and children categores ARTICLES (fill the next field with the correct category ID) - is this the correct choice?
Specific ID filter: 187
I'm not sure whether the problem is being caused because of a fault or because the extension does not support filtering within a particular category (I assumed it does because there's an option for it in the dropdown). Help much appreciated!
2. Top downloaded articles isn't working at all (no filter or otherwise). Here's the options I've selected:
Content provider: com_zoo
Content criteria: Top downloaded documents
Selector: ALL category/article/author - equivalent to NO FILTER
Specific ID filter: [blank]
On the front end, nothing appears (not even the module header). Users definitely download content from the site. I've set the correct page, position, etc. Can you advise?
Many thanks! -
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Accepted Answer
0Hi Germinal,
Would it be possible to chat/screen share over skype please? I'll email you my details if so. I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to give you direct access to the site, however we can set up a webinar which would allow you to take control of my mouse etc so you could take a look. Sorry to be a pain- company requirements.
Thanks, Sophie-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agohello! it's ok, I understand. let me work on this locally and I'll try to send you an update version ASAP.
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sorry for the delay.
Well, the problem was simply that this option was not available for Categories (as you can see in the filter it mentions "Articles" because was only intended for that)
what I just did is to upload version 1.4.7 of the plugin which includes the category filter option (you have to select simply "specific category" and set the ID) -
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germinal. Hope you're well. Just want to pick up on this ticket (better late than never?!). As you may have expected I got the above working for categories within one app of ZOO (Documentation)... but weirdly it's not working for another (Blog). I've duplicated the module with exactly the same settings besides the category ID - but on the frontend no module shows. Any ideas?
Thanks and happy to chat/screen share over skype if easier! Sophie -
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