Using upcoming events module, the style of the template crashed. As I can do to work with CP?, I read in the forum that CP is not directly "fully" compatible with T3.
What I can do? When purchasing I did not see anywhere incompatibility warning T3
What I can do? When purchasing I did not see anywhere incompatibility warning T3
Responses (7)
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0Thanks for the quick reply,
I'm still working on the template, but you can see the home in its normal style (module is not enabled there), then click on the "Noticias" menu option, and watch loses style with the CP (At te left) The first column runs several spaces and the titles, buttons etc. change de color and formatReferences:
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0that makes sense.. however if the compatible legacy mode really was adding compatible styles from bootstrap 2, these layout problems shouldn't be happening.. in any case, yes, our system is loading the bootstrap CSS file which seems that your template "doesn't like"
if you can provide me FTP access to your website, I can disable this CSS inclusion if you want.
our email is support@ joomlathat.com -
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