Our business process requires the addition of new users generated from the same company IP address.
When this is done the system assigns the new affiliate to one of the earlier created users even though not atid was followed.
I suspect that the problem can be solved by using incognito pages to do the initial setup. Correct? But this is difficult to control.
The system also sends out an email to the unsuspecting account...so I have turned off emails to the users until the problem is solved.
The conversion(s) that have been created should be edited so I have changed to a default admin account.
Possible solution...
Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
Maybe somehow excluding the office IP address from generating conversions or diverting them to a default account???
Hope I have explained the problem.
Anyone else have this issue?
When this is done the system assigns the new affiliate to one of the earlier created users even though not atid was followed.
I suspect that the problem can be solved by using incognito pages to do the initial setup. Correct? But this is difficult to control.
The system also sends out an email to the unsuspecting account...so I have turned off emails to the users until the problem is solved.
The conversion(s) that have been created should be edited so I have changed to a default admin account.
Possible solution...
Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
Maybe somehow excluding the office IP address from generating conversions or diverting them to a default account???
Hope I have explained the problem.
Anyone else have this issue?
Responses (21)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0I use Community Builder and CBsubs along with J2Store
Our business is providing services rather than shipping goods...which presents many challenges.
I would think that others have this same problem...but have not seen it mentioned on forum.
Is using an incognito browser that best workable solution at the present time? -
Accepted Answer
our J2Store does not use the IP to match the user...
I'm not really sure to understand the problem you're having. I don't think it's related to the IP...
the problem is that conversions are assigned to a user that they should NOT be assigned to..?
could this be because the same browser is being used? ( in this case, yes, the incognito windows will help of course...) -
Accepted Answer
0Yes...of course...it is the same browser and not IP...thanks.
So as a rule, manually entered users should be done from incognito browsers.
In our case we have sales and service people in the field who may create a user using their cell phone.
We also have several answering phones who may create a user using their browser.
In both cases, the best rule to follow is to use incognito browser.
Although we still have to set the account to the correct affiliate this is not too difficult.
Is there a way to set the account at sign up in the 2 cases above using incognito browser?
Thanks -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Ok...thanks for sticking with me. BTW...Our employees in the field are plumbers and service techs...and I want them to assist customers by using their phone to register them. I am only going to allow backend registrations by the super users.
Some of the confusion may be regarding operational definitions.
I just created an joomla user account using firefox incognito browser.
The registration was successful and AffiliateTracker created an AT account using the registration data
However, Affiliate Tracker also created a registration conversion.
It has used ANOTHER USER's account to credit the conversion.
My confusion is this
Even tho I used firefox incognito browser to create the new user from the frontend AND Firefox incognito to authenticate the Joomla user registration as well as using FF incognito to initially log into the new user account...Affiliate Tracker has credited another unrelated account with the conversion.
What is causing that to happen?
How can I get the new Joomla user registration conversion assigned to either a default AT user conversion or their own account?
Thanks again -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0I just retested adding a user
I used firefox private window (incognito)
User set up successful as User3
Affiliate account set up and assigned to new user
User3 user3 three https://homei
Log shows
1091 RonXXX Ron XXX 23 August 2016 user3 three [648] https://homeim
Affiliate conversion created to an older registered user
[75] RonXXX [629] Ron XXX 23 August 2016 User registration User3
Is this what I should expect?
Thanks, -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Let me try again by asking this...
When a new user comes to the site NOT using a tracking id to get there, and registers what does affiliate tracker do with him?
Under Conversions who will the new member be assigned to?
In my case...it is RonXXX but why? there is no association to RonXXX.
Account Assigned to Date created Conversion Item Value Commission User Approved
98 [75] RonXXX [629] Ron XXX 10 September 2016 User registration mikejg $0.00 $0.00 mike XXXXX [650] Not Published
Since the New member Mike XXXXX came to the site without a tracking id...What should AT do with him under conversions?
Hopefully this will clarify my issue.
Thanks, -
Accepted Answer
in this case affiliate tracker will do NOTHING.. there is no conversion if the user has not been provided by an affiliate link... that's the whole point of AT... to track the activity provided by affiliate links...
so, when you say it's assigning it to RonXXX.. well, that makes no sense. there's something weird here. It should be assignin nothing to no one
(IMPORTANT: this is ASSUMING that the user has not accessed the site using the affiliate link the time of registration OR BEFORE.)
I mean, if the user comes to the user completely "clean" then there should be nothing assigned. -
Accepted Answer
0Of course...
Here is what the log shows for Mike's registration.
RonXXX Ron XXX 10 September 2016 mike XXXXX [650] https://mysite.com/jointheclub/become-a-member
The IP is different and the link used to get to the site has no atid. I dont find another instance of coming to the site.
What could be the explanation of Mike registering and being assigned to RonXXX account?
The site is public but we are only beginning to attract members.
Maybe you would be so kind to register to help me understand.
There must be some reason for this behavior... -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0These entries in the log are from 2 people outside my influence. They are not me testing. They are real members. Just trying to figure out what is going on. How could could happen? There seems to be no relationship between Ron and Mike.
RonXXX Ron XXX 10 September 2016 mike XXXXX [650] https://mysite.com/jointheclub/become-a-member
What could be the reason?
If you would register...at least we would know the system is working as designed. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0oh well... I think I "solved the mystery"!
in the RON account, you have set the "referal URL" parameter to "https://homeimprovementclub.com/jointheclub"
this means that ANY user visiting this URL will be assigned to RON!
that's what was happening all the time..! just remove this and you'll be good to go... -
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