Hi there, do you have any idea how to remove "component/muscol/" from the URLs? I have enabled friendly URL and URL rewriting from the back-end of Joomla but it seems like "muscol" is not working..
thanks for your help.
thanks for your help.
Responses (7)
Accepted Answer
0has you assigned a "default Itemid" to the component parameters? (read the last part of this article: http://www.joomlathat.com/documentation/music-collection/getting-started )-
Nelsonmore than a month agoHi Germinal, thanks for your quick response... should this work even if I'm setting up muscol to be the "home" menu? I don't have anything else on the site, so I'm making muscol the front page component on the site..
Nelsonmore than a month agoupdate: weird, what you sent me works, but if I set muscol as a regular menu.. as soon as I set as "default" for the home page the problem comes back.
Nelsonmore than a month agoupdate: weird, what you sent me works, but if I set muscol as a regular menu.. as soon as I set as "default" for the home page the problem comes back.
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germinal, thanks for your quick response... should this work even if I'm setting up muscol to be the "home" menu? I don't have anything else on the site, so I'm making muscol the front page component on the site..
update: weird, what you sent me works, but if I set muscol as a regular menu.. as soon as I set as "default" for the home page the problem comes back. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0muscol is on the "home" menu.-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoI guess the cause can be that the home menu does not have an alias? if there is no alias, it will use component/muscol. just a notice: it's not a "problem" ;) this is how joomla builds the menu items.. ;)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0OK.. new development. I think the problem is only from "modules" I put on the front page" for example, if I put "featured artists" and "random albums" module on the front page, the URLs will have the "component/muscol/" part on the URL.. all the rest of the modules on the sidebar for example, will have the correct format.
any ideas why?
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