
I installed Phoca Open Graph on my website, but the main page is not generating any og: image tags.

but on the pages below, for example, it's working.

https://www.pastoraldacrianca.org.br/component/muscol/p/4-programa-de-radio-viva-a-vida/44-2020/1945-1490-13-04-2020-diversidade-das- jokes? Itemid = 1559

Any suggestions on how to configure phocaopengraph to define an og: image?
Or if there is any way to configure this in the MusicCollection component just on this page.

Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, April 10 2020, 06:52 PM - #Permalink
    Music Collection has it's own og:image already generated - probably this is why it's working on those pages.
    but in the main page, there's no og:image to be displayed (as this page is a mix of many contents you may have, using modules)
    do you know what I mean? it's not like an album page, where there's clearly one image (the album's) to be used in the og:image tag
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, April 13 2020, 03:16 PM - #Permalink
    Yes, I understand what you are saying.
    But the Main page is our most shared page.
    Is there a way to include an og: image, even if it is manually, just on this page?
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