1. I think that when user vote for track or album and after that page reloads - it is too out of date...
Is it real to make ajax voting?
2. I remember promises about integrating komento as comment systems...
Any news about it?
3. When I save playlist in lists it redirect me to main page of component, not to playlists.
4. How I can change author, added by? There is no this options in album edit page.
5. When user trying to add new song (file) in album, filename don't displays in fields.
It displays only after save. It impossible to understand, how much files you add...
See please this short video - http://cl.ly/122b2z111z2y
Is it real to make ajax voting?
2. I remember promises about integrating komento as comment systems...
Any news about it?
3. When I save playlist in lists it redirect me to main page of component, not to playlists.
4. How I can change author, added by? There is no this options in album edit page.
5. When user trying to add new song (file) in album, filename don't displays in fields.
It displays only after save. It impossible to understand, how much files you add...
See please this short video - http://cl.ly/122b2z111z2y
Responses (21)
Accepted Answer
1. this will come soon.
2. we have built komento integration, we will release very soon (we are going to migrate the site)
3. for an existing playlist?
4. no, there isn't.. the author is the original one that created it..
5. you mean that the field is too "small" and you can't read the filenames? that can be adjusted with CSS... -
Accepted Answer
03. ABout list "On the go"
5. Normally, when a user adds a files on the site, he sees their names.
In your component, when user add new files he don't sees filenames. It impossible to understand how many files he add.
http://cl.ly/2w0d3f1s0b2i -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0you need to open file http://vsehristiane.com/components/com_muscol/assets/form.css and in line 132 remove the WIDTH property
that's all! -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
the new version is not a major relase. it's version 2.3.1
we are preparing a bigger one, 2.4.0, which will be launched in the following weeks.
Komento is one of the integrations, yes!
would you like to be one of our beta testers?
if you would, please write to us at support@ joomlathat.com
many thanks!! -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0late september 2014?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agosorry we pushed a little bit. we are doing the beta testings now. will release it in the next weeks.
Accepted Answer
0Hey! You didn't include ajax voting in 2.4???
You promised, but you didn't
Very dissapointed...-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agowe priorized other things over ajax voting (but we added komento!).
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Thanks, if you working on including ajax voting!
I got badge - Bookworm...
romagromovmore than a month agoIgnore my text about badge, i understand now what is it.
Germinal Campsmore than a month agohe badges are assigned automatically... I don't created them or assign them.. don't really even know what it really means heheh :)
greengeekmore than a month ago
Accepted Answer
0When ajax voting ???-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agohello, as we said previously we will add this on the next (minor) update, we just haven't release it yet. just give us a week or too, we have to finish something else first.
Accepted Answer
Six months have passed instead of 2 weeks, what about ajax voting?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoHello, yes finally we pushed that release and included other things instead, not AJAX voting. we have developed the plugin tho, although it's not yet distributed with the extension. if you want me to put it on your installation please let me know and send me the request at support@ joomlathat.com. thanks for your continuous interest!
Accepted Answer
0I don't understand... Are your component support ajax voting now?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agohello, no, it's not, but the plugin is actually developed. we made the code some time ago (it's done already) but was not included in the release. The truth is we just putted it in the drawer because there were more prioritary items to include. as said, I can put this into your installation if you want, but in any case since now you reminded this we will pack the component with this new plugin in it. Just let me build the packages and we will make it public. if you want please write to us at support@ joomlathat.com and I'll inform you when we upload the new package, tomorrow for example.
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germi! As some of us have custom code, its easier for me (And I think many others) taht you please could gave us the files need it and make a "manual" installation, because I, for example, make changes in helpers.js, all views, all forms, sql fields, etc.
Can we provide us this plugin please?? Or maybe you make a plugin that we just need to install via joomla installer and enable it-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agosure, please write to us at support@ joomlathat.com and I'll send you the code and tell you how to add it.
Accepted Answer
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